
Mao's not from earth? Or does Mao get to be an individual solely responsible for his actions wereas every Belter is an asshole based on the actions of any individual Belter?

And spacing inners wasn't anybody's "official policy" either. See how that works. And they guy who works for Mao is pretty high up in Earth government.

the inners just want to release an alien technology they can't control on the universe. What could go wrong?

If you had class and self-respect you wouldn't go around doing fucked up shit. Just saying.

Most slave revolts are ultimately self destructive. What did Nat Turner accomplish when you think about it?

not like they tested an unknown virus and killed an asteroid full of people.

Anybody as big an asshole as Mao, who's first reaction to seeing his daughter consumed by his "experiment" was "take a sample, we can make money from this"?

So one belter makes a dick move and therefore all belters are assholes. But one Earther unleashes a deadly virus on the Universe for fun and corporate profit but you can't blame Earthers for one deranged individual. Is that what you're saying?

"People do come together in a disaster— there have been studies on this."

But they showed that people were scanned when they arrived at their destination, not in the middle of an emergency evacuation. Think of a fire drill at your place of business, they do a headcount at the emergency meeting point - after the building's been evacuated.

If you were in some emergency evacuation situation do you really want them to take to time to figure out where you're supposed to go or do you want to get out of that emergency situation right now?

Spiteful vindictiveness and human nature. People are people all over the galaxy.

So everybody on the barg deserves to die for the decision the captain made? Isn't that the same reasoning the captain made about "inners"? How many people deserve to die for unleashing the protomolecue that killed most of that asteriod.

"Donate at the end of the year" = I will have said so many crazy things by then you're totally forget I ever said this.

they've been pretty harsh with Scandal - but don't like facts ruin a perfectly good rant.

So it's one of those mighty whitey type stories?

presumably the belt has value to Earth or Mars, whichever one survives.

Oppressed people don't win by appealing to the "sympathy" of the people who have chosen to oppress them to turn a profit. In the setup shown most of us would have been shipped off the the asteroid belt in a heart-beat.

As opposed to violent short sighted, greedy, power mad human?

I don't see the belters as any more garbage than the earthers. How was their conference on how to proceed from here any different than the one that happened on earth?