
If that "one guy" is the president of the United Earth Federation (or whatever it's called) and those "twenty people" are representatives of each member nation - then yeah, that's literally how real life works.

Thanks for the link!

Well Casey could have said "See you in court!" Instead what he said was "How much do I have to pay you to make this go away?". So there's that data point to consider.


So it's NOT the thought that counts?

he's a white guy in Hollywood. it's gonna work out for him.

It's your dog, put him down if you want. See how easy that was?

Interesting that Casey didn't have anything to say about it until AFTER he had oscar in his hands.

If Casey went to jail and then won an Oscar I wouldn't have a problem with it. Of course that happens in the imaginary world where rich white guys go to jail. Paid money to stay out of jail? Not so much.

Where's all the concern for Nate Parker, who went to trial and got acquitted?

Thank you for explaining what "actual sexism" is. I don't know how I would get along in the world without white men to let me know if/when I should get offended.

I, for one, am glad that Hollywood is finally getting around to that rarely observed subsection of America - rich white people.

Now that's what I call news!

well from his reaction he was obviously thinking "that can't be right". So make the print bigger or don't give them to old men (and women). Problem solved.

especially since three days earlier PWC made a big deal about how they have a quick response plan in place to handle incidents just like this. I guess the plan was to shrug helplessly.

I'm not a high paid CPA making 6 figures but — instead of putting the category on the envelope and the name on a card inside the envelope why not also put the category on the inside card? So the card should have read "The actress of the year is….." That way Warren wouldn't have made the same mistake. PWC, call me

That's what I love about it. He's giving the same old speech about diversity and then is shocked when diversity shows up on the stage. "You mean I have to give up something? Isn't it the thought that counts?"

If you enjoy having jazz whitesplained to you and musicals where the main characters can't sing or dance then you'll like this.

The Last Five Years?

Apparently when Casey grabs 'em (because he can because he's a star) he pays them a settlement so they'll keep quiet about it. Apparently Hollywood is cool with that, unlike Nate Parker who a pariah after a trial and acquittal for rape.