
Well who could have guessed that a man who made his wife sign a non-disclosure agreement was going to lie to us?

I think Trump's plan is, and has always been, "Look at me! Look at me!" Didn't he say he was going to grab the media and not let go? Why should he hold a press conference when he can issue a tweet and have the media discuss it allthe next day? And the media's plan has been "This will get clicks." Didn't CBS

they're armed to the teeth and they vote. Maybe we ought to do the same.

With all the free time on their hands maybe reporters can get back to doing something other than reading press releases.

P.P.P.P.S. Made you click!

That would be them.

Casey Affleck - or do different social pariah rules apply in that case?

So the black man who went to trial and got acquitted is a Hollywood pariah but the white guy who paid the victims to keep quiet gets a shelf full of awards? That's liberal Hollywood for ya.

not in Trump's America!

That's Hollywood liberals for ya. They talk a good game but when it comes to voting it's a whole other story. Ms. Davis and her studio both know how the system works.

Isn't that Bill Maher's actual job, to know somethng about the people he's interviewing? If not, what is his job?

you ever get the feeling the whole point to the press conference was to kick off his money-grubbing, I mean fundraising, tour? Isn't that the point - getting publicity for his Floridy rally?

Johns Hopkins, the hospital in question in this story, exposed a bunch of poor black kids to lead paint for a study as late as the early 90s.
In the 1990s, a prominent research facility associated with Johns Hopkins University conducted an experiment that knowingly exposed children — mostly African American, some as

the DNC is irrelevant. A united DNC and RNC means the DCN does what the RNC tells them to do with is what Trump tells them to do.

I guess you could say the same thing about George Washington - military experience but not political experience.

Actually the Democrats need to get their sh*t together in time for the midterms. Redistricting and all that.

they made you click so I'd so yes, it's what they should be covering.

the guy at the convenience store, Homer's coworker at the plant, the black cop, the black jazz player… I think the Simpsons is kind of a black example of your point.

Wasn't Belle about a biracial girl back in slave times? Feels like a pattern.