Cathexis Maximus

None of these are grizzled enough. It’s gotta be 1 part entrepreneurial, 1 part survivalist, and 1 part misery. I want to say Leech Wrangler. It’s not petty work but those fuckers are loaded with protein, and they’ll fetch you a pretty penny as a Afghani aphrodisiac. Plus they’re pretty damn tasty after a cup of white

Whenever I see that GIF, I can literally hear what he is thinking....

I tried to get a Craigslist escort to give me a jimtomsulajob one night but she didn't have any bootstraps.

You guys really dropped the ball here and completely forgot the ‘jobs he would do at truck stops in exchange for Dairy Queen coupons.

If you don't vote for doormat salesman, fuck you.

When a politician “panders” to his/her “base” it is rightfully seen as cheesy, calculated and at times, unethical.

It shouldn’t be a financial decision.

Stupid. Fucking. People who stereotype.

You can piss right off with that noise, young son.

It was the sort of thing a high school kid might do without thinking of the potential consequences, which is to say the sort of thing a high school kid should be doing.

Ourand describes the concept for the show as similar to the style of Pardon the Interruption, the ESPN debate show that features Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon, two people who actually have a rapport and are, even at their worst, significantly less loathsome than these two two men expounding upon the

He is notorious for blocking. Seriously, week after week he pulls a totally boneheaded block on someone.

Blocking is stupid and stupid should hurt.

Damn, it’s like never having to mature past 7 or 8 years old.

A belt really isn’t all that necessary.

Go Rowdy!

Ya gotta relieve

Be sure to coat the cuttings in growth hormone.

Get with the times, Noah. It’s not called global warming anymore. It’s called climate change now, because the only real, scientifically proven climate change is cyclical and natural. The term “climate change” also includes the pseudoscience called global warming because Clinton’s and Gore’s tax credit pushing

“We’re not big on school.” Oy.