
Yeah, ok, that tracks... I definitely remember the public ridicule that followed. The brutal skits on late-night, the easy comic punchlines, all mostly focused on his appearance and erratic behaviour. I remember finding it cruel, not knowing the whole context of who he was.

You know, I was with a friend this weekend and she basically said (I’m really summarizing it here) that she doesn’t like it when women report sexual harassment at work because it’s not sexual assault, and sexual assault is really serious and reporting harassment makes it seem like assault isn’t serious. I was like,

As a beta male, married to a kick ass Wiccan woman, let me just say there are tons of us who are fucking HORRIFIED by all of this. My Grandpa taught me the rule of no when I was 14. He lived to 92, and I never saw him disrespect ANY woman, and I try to emulate him best I can. I was molested by my fifth grade teacher,

The thing is though, the mystery of who killed Ann and Natalie was always a mere excuse to bring Camille back to town for the real meat of the story the shared and passed-down traumas from Adora to her daughters and from Adora’s mother to Adora and the ways in which it destroys them all in different ways. That was the

He’s like the guy at work who feels if he gets fired the whole company will collapse. 

He pointedly says he was expecting someone else to raise the kid.  There’s your personal responsibility right there!

It’s especially shitty because almost everyone on some level believes their pet has died because of some horrible personality defect on their part. Even if the dog is 17, it’s like, “Did I miss something? Should I have put her to sleep sooner? Could she have made it a little longer? She was wagging her tail there at

Seriously. Even if this argument was valid, SAY IT TO EVERYONE, Shit For Brains. Women, Men, Everyone: don’t have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant. The coach from Mean Girls was a terrible sex ed teacher but at least he was equal rights about it!

Trump has 50 years of experience as a grifter and con-man. You won’t see his fingerprints on this.

This guy has a “degree in economics” AND he has my wrong??? What will he take next???

Strongly disagree. Neville was where he belonged. He was in every big fight even though he was terrified which is the definition of courage.

Mike Pence prayed as hard as he could but to no avail, the Bible is broken forever by lib America. Libmerica. Libmerica broke all of the Bibles. Hold me close, mother

Yeah, but he’s our slimeball. When you’re living in a swamp, you’re going to get a little slimey.

He may be a slime ball, but if ever there was a time to have a slime ball in your corner, that time is now.

It’s truly horrifying to see how many opportunities have passed them by because they couldn’t commit to something so they committed to nothing, which is still a commitment!

Please get bangs

Yuuup. And some women, such as myself, respond to sexual assault with being aggressive and brash.

I’m not sorry, that I will tell my goddaughter that she was not a good person, due to her personal choices.

drugs= death for us addicts. pretending otherwise as to not “stigmatize” the addiction IS stigmatization. let’s be open and honest. drugs kill us in more ways than OD.

It’s aimed at men but of course either gender can wear it. I know someone who swears by it, and as soon as my current eye cream is gone, Imma get some.

It’s aimed at men but of course either gender can wear it. I know someone who swears by it, and as soon as my