
no. at least i don’t think so for the payoff! and you don’t have to plug it in if you don’t get the high-end electric one

As a feminist I can say whatever the fuck I want.

Right? I got it as a sample and figured I’d keep it for whenever but then I used it once and fell in love. I’m nearly out of my sample tubes, gonna have to bite the bullet and buy full-size during the April sale.

Right? I got it as a sample and figured I’d keep it for whenever but then I used it once and fell in love. I’m

Laura Mercier is the only one that doesn’t ball up on my stupid face. I vote her.

Laura Mercier is the only one that doesn’t ball up on my stupid face. I vote her.

It made me wish my name was Brandy for the first time ever.

That’s me in a nutshell.

4/12/15. Almost 2 years!

Your 30's are THE BEST don’t be afraid. You have your shit together, maybe not on a financial or relationship level, but on a ‘Who am I’ level for sure.

For real he looks like a Billy goat

Agree completely. It’s amazing how Mendelsohn creates a character you like, and feel sorry for, even as he’s doing terrible things. He’s revolting, and tragic, and endearing, and funny, and sexy, and obnoxious and terrifying. Not a moment of it is showy in the least; it seems effortless and true. AND he does it all in

American Horror Story: The Adventures of Marcia and OJ

i’ve never used a lipstick more than i have with ruby woo. i need mac to sponsor me as a lipstick spokesperson because i not only wear it every day, i try to make other people wear it. WAKE UP SHEEPLE, RUBY WOO ON YOUR LIPS, SOMETHING SOMETHING ON YOUR HIPS.

i’ve never used a lipstick more than i have with ruby woo. i need mac to sponsor me as a lipstick spokesperson

Russian Red is life. Russian Red is the truth. All hail Russian Red.

Russian Red is life. Russian Red is the truth. All hail Russian Red.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

All hail Ruby Woo by MAC. Its the best blue-red out there and has been for years.

I want the haircut and to look as graceful with the haircut, and for it not look like a perfect double chin frame on me.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

About the paralysis around do-I-quit-or-do-I-not. You spend so much time worrying about what other people are going to think. What are they going to think of me, how is it going to look, when I’m the only one at this fancy fundraiser/wine tasting/birthday party/whatever with a seltzer instead of a glass of wine in my

“she has fought a series of battles with the military over her self-presentation; they said in November that allowing her to grow her hair long would present a security risk.