every morning, boo!
every morning, boo!
to me, it was very clear she was insinuating the possibility of Hillary having a “gentleman caller” - after the Rep asked her if she was alone the night of the attack, and HRC responded yes, she had the gall to follow it up with “the WHOLE night?” — which is when everyone lost their collective shit.
rosehip oil is good because it’s considered a “dry” oil - meaning your skin will absorb it pretty quickly and it won't leave any sort of oily residue on your face
ugh i’m totally being “that guy” rn, but I do not see a poached egg. I *do* see a delicious looking fried egg
a couple years ago I bought evan dando a shot of jameson and it was basically the high point of my entire life
because YOU'RE A WOMAN
I just donated to his campaign AND bought some stuff from the Bernie store. Don't know what took me so long, to be honest.
YUP, came here to same the exact same thing. that hot dawg they have with the cheese sauce and crispy onions is a REVELATION.
Oh I totally agree with you - if I was in their position I'd be driving in too!
this is my favorite recent example of how things have gone downhill: https://www.popville.com/2015/10/metro-…
I would argue that it’s NOT horrible, but plenty of people would argue that it is. I think the church crowd doesn’t like to metro in on Sundays for several reasons: there’s almost always track work on weekends, which can really make things a pain in the ass; even if things are running on a normal Sunday schedule, it…
I used to live in Petworth, and in my experience, church people can be very CAVALIER about parking. On Sundays New Hampshire Ave would basically gets turned into one lane either direction (specifically between Georgia Ave & Grant Circle) because people use the lane closer to the median for parking. Like, I get that…
My sister lived in Washington Heights while she was at Columbia med school, and also lived in a 3 bedroom apartment with two other students. I can't remember exactly how much she paid in rent, but I do remember that her third of it was higher than my half of a two-bedroom apartment in DC. So, A LOT.
OOHHH, tell me more about this! What chicken parts do you use? And do you add anything else besides the salsa?
This is goddamn unacceptable.
he is the most affable of Affable Bros
OMG LEDO! Pizza Hut is the worst, but Ledo is awesome!
Can we please talk about gel liner, and which I should buy next? I was using Smashbox (http://www.smashbox.com/product/6028/2…) and I wasn’t thrilled with it. Even when I used eyelid primer, it still got all smudgy around the corners of my eyes, which is extra annoying when you like a very retro, winged, NON-SMUDGY…
My sister has done both, and she said she would skydive again in a heartbeat, but would NEVER bungee jump again.