
what happened here is the waiter CORRECTLY assumed that this guest was going to be a cheap-ass and fuck him over on his tip, so he tried to get one over on him by applying the auto-grat, and hoped he either 1. wouldn’t notice; 2. would believe his lie about it being the law in NYC because he’s just a lil country

Goddammit, McAllister. Here I am about to leave for vacation and feeling so pleased with myself for curbing the spending lately.....and now I’ve gone and bought a Halloween costume with a shit ton of accessories! It’s gonna be sick, tho:

Goddammit, McAllister. Here I am about to leave for vacation and feeling so pleased with myself for curbing the

skip EVERYTHING and watch misfits!

I’m going to Disney tomorrow and am doing my list of things to pack right now (I'm a Virgo, leave me alone) and it's basically all things that will mask my inevitable sweat stains as much as possible.

AHHHH, that red truck with all the crazy abortion nonsense all over it - I see that around DC from time to time. Sometimes he even has insane rhetoric blasting from a speaker. I think the last time I saw him was downtown, around 10pm on a weeknight, cruising up 12th St at Constitution (I remember the specifics bc I

After watching An Honourable Woman, I will watch Maggie in ANYTHING. I will cancel plans and re-arrange my schedule. I will buy the expensive ice cream. I will wear my Good Sweatpants. I LOVE YOU MAGGIE

I live in Brookland, so I had full-blown Pope Fear and stayed home yesterday. But today's commute was a BREEZE! I made it from my house to work (L'Enfant Plaza) in 28 minutes, including the walk to the metro!

UGH, before I even got to the part about it being similar to a rotting pig, I was thinking about the only rotting flesh I have ever smelled, WHICH WAS THAT OF A PIG, and it still haunts me to this day.

My best friend has gastroparesis. As someone who loves to eat rich foods, and also just a human, I really do feel for you.

I may have screwed up the dosage - it might be 500mg not 50. Either way, it's got a 5 and 0 in there and it's the lowest dose for acne!

I’m no spiro and have no side effects! My dr started me out on 50mg and said to take it before bed, so that way if I DO experience any light headedness, I won’t notice. He said I could up it to 100mg after a month if I didn’t notice results, but I haven't had to.

I'm on that, too! It's the best!

I DO. I am 31 and it got so bad over the summer that I sucked it up and went to the derm and he put me on spironolactone. It’s an absolute godsend - its actually a blood pressure medication but the does they give you for acne is much lower than for the BP patients (the acne treatment is a lucky side effect) and it

OMG NO, go to your derm and ask for spironolactone - it’s actually a blood pressure medication but the dose they prescribe for acne is MUCH MUCH lower than the dose for the BP patients. I just turned 31 and spend my early-mid 20s battling hormonal acne around my chin and jaw, but it pretty much disappeared for the

OMG I LOOOOOOOVE that night gel - and the TJ Maxx near me (in DC) sells it for like 8.99. I don’t use it every night (I also have hormonal acne and am on spironolactone - absolute godsend - but also use AcZone gel whenever I have the rumblings of a breakout) but when I DO, I inevitably wake up in the morning like

My vote goes to leprosy. Also biblically appropriate.

great, can we send this puddin pop back to jail now?

I rode in an elevator with him once (and his female friend) and he was awful.

I always get compliments on my eyebrows (I have been #blessed with a high natural arch and I am a very pale brunette) and the best product I’ve found has been Anastasia’s brow pencil. It's about $20 at Sephora. WORTH IT.

To me, it is like Human Caterpillar-level horror.