
Totes. Like, I got botox at age 30 because I had frown lines that had been bothering me for literally close to a decade. I think it’s great that we have the option to correct little things like that, it really sort of SATISFIED that little part of me that was always going ‘argh’ every time I caught myself focusing on

Oh, I totally see what you mean about the hooded lid! Well spotted!

I’m over here trying to unpack all the things she’s done to her face, besides the obvious lips - chin implant or Bristol Palin-esque jaw trimming? Nose job or “contouring”? I mean, I say this as a woman who has gotten Botox - I am totally pro-doing-whatever-makes-you-feel-hawt, I am just kind of gobsmacked at her

hah, welcome to the dark side. I’ve been sober for 9 months and once you get over the "ugh, this is boring" bit, you realize how TOTALLY AWESOME SOBRIETY IS

a few summers ago I flew home to DC (IAD) from LAX and we landed at like 1am, so I was kind of out of it due to the time change and travel hangover, and so I was really confused when I was standing at the baggage claim and people started getting REALLY EXCITED - turns out Stevie was on our flight with his female


My uncle, except in his case it’s white wine in a Pellegrino bottle :/

Monster cousin letter writer doesn’t sound incredibly mature to me. One of the great things about adult relationships is being able to be like, “hey friend, I need to talk to you about something uncomfortable because I’m concerned/seeing you do something I think might not be a great idea/etc”, which is what the cousin


So being asked if he knows who someone is, essentially A YES OR NO QUESTION, is now a "gotcha" question? LOL K

I am most surprised by the fact that Kentucky has a Democrat governor.

I’ve been needing new running shoes, but have been putting off buying them because a good pair is expensive. Just scored a pair of Mizuno's for $35, SO STOKED!

I’ve been needing new running shoes, but have been putting off buying them because a good pair is expensive. Just

I love Modcloth - their clothes, their inclusiveness, accessibility - but literally EVERY SINGLE THING I have ever bought from there, I’ve had to return. I just don’t even go on the site anymore because it pains me to see so many cute dresses I know just won’t fit me right.

I totally sympathize with you on the social anxiety. If I may offer a tip that may help ease it: just remember that nobody will be paying attention to you. Everyone will be staring at the bride (sorry grooms, nobody stares at you) and watching the couple be cute newlyweds and “aww did you see how he looked at her?!”

I can't even figure out what is happening here!!

doesn’t the Donald have multiple children with multiple non-American-by-birth women? ARE HIS OWN CHILDREN ANCHOR BABIES??

isn't it ironic?

So I randomly downloaded that book to my Kindle before going on a cruise this past spring, knowing NOTHING about it except the description on amazon made it sound like a good “vacation book” - then when I got to the airport EVERY book shop had it, and were advertising it as “this year’s gone girl!” — I did like it,

Touché, yes, he also has not aged. My sister saw him walkin’ down the street in her ‘hood the other day and said he was wearing cargo shorts and looked like he hadn’t showered in a while. Sounds pretty much spot on, and also #stillwould