
WTF is Montel Williams up to, besides schilling for that company that gives you “loans” in “exchange” for your car title (AKA you sell them your car)? I’ve heard - probably in the comments here - that he is not a nice man, which sorta bums me out because I feel bad for him for having MS and I always really liked when

He’s the only one who looks EXACTLY THE SAME in the series as he did in the movie. Like no time has passed at all.

I had a JS purse back in like....2008? And that thing WOULD NOT DIE. The only reason I stopped using it is because it lasted so long it eventually went out of style.

Over the past year I’ve lost ~15lbs (mostly through diet) but I’ve also been exercising regularly, about 5 or 6 days a week. I was doing mostly cardio workouts (I really like spinning), peppered with muscle conditioning/boot camp type workouts. Over the past month or two I have switched things up and now the majority

For my 30th birthday the universe gave me like, 4 chin bristles.

I just bought Dragon Lady! Can't wait to read it!

I just bought Dragon Lady! Can't wait to read it!

hi, alcoholic here, so here are some strategies that I use in social situations:

YES. I’m from New Jersey, where we learn how to drive efficiently, and I now live in DC (actually in DC, not NoVA). Every single time I encounter a bozo on the road, they’re from MD. And don’t even get me started on their complete lack of highway etiquette.

freak gasoline fight accidents are so tragic

My dad calls Kit Harrington "Kip Harrison" and once referred to Bear Grylls as "Bunny Grylls"

Totes Team Eva on this one, too. Recently, I mentioned to a friend (who loves to post selfies of herself wearing her glasses) that I was getting new lenses put in my frames, and she immediately said, “but you don’t wear glasses.” Um, what? I was so confused why someone’s knee-jerk response would be to tell ME how well

If I have a roku, is it pointless to also get a chromecast?

If I have a roku, is it pointless to also get a chromecast?

I bring salad to work for lunch, and I put half an avocado in. But I just put my unused avocado half in a small Tupperware because COME ON

I have an Oster bread maker and I think it’s great! and it DOES make my entire apartment smell like freshly baked bread.

i’m almost 31, have $100k in student loan debt from grad school, and have two cats

yes. but totally worth it.

oh god thinking about GG being on Netflix fills me with joy but also dread because I will basically not go to work or bathe for the entirety of getting through every episode

I walked past Ben’s Chilli Bowl yesterday and was wondering if they will do the same for the mural there. I was lost in thought while strollin’ so it caught me off guard and put me in a sulk for like the next 3 blocks!

I love you

oh my god, I am going on a tinder date tonight and I found his instagram and dove WAY TOO DEEP, and I was trying to describe what I was feeling to a friend and this was the only comparison I could come up with.