Something SORTA similar happened to my cousin, but there is just one dad. She has fraternal twins (WHO ARE VERY CUTE, BTW) and her doctah said they were conceived several days apart.
Something SORTA similar happened to my cousin, but there is just one dad. She has fraternal twins (WHO ARE VERY CUTE, BTW) and her doctah said they were conceived several days apart.
I thought it was A BIT boring, no INSANELY boring. Especially the first couple of episodes. But the cinematography and acting were good enough to keep me watching - I know NOTHING about cinematography, but I do know that my eyes were enjoying what they were watching.
nailed it. I met a woman at a party a few months ago who was around my age (early 30s) and within the first few hours she mentioned how she had gotten married 8 months ago/told a cutesy anecdote about her wedding or her husband about 15 times. by the end of the night she was drunk and crying about how she's afraid her…
I'm about to graduate with my MBA from Maryland and I am legit ashamed that she went through the same program :(
It put that magic spell on you.
yeah, what? my sister definitely had one, and she held on to her dream of making millions of her beanie babies until she was like, 22. she will be gutted if this is legit
god bless you
god bless you
Why don’t we talk about this off-line and then loop back around in a week or so to touch base.
my cousin has [adorable] fraternal twins and she told me that her dr said they were not conceived at the same time and I TOTALLY thought she was full of shit. now I feel like a dick. she was right! its a thing!
yeah, if you wanna get real BORING with it, which I apparently do, when a buyer agrees to a price that the seller offers (even if that price is wrong), you're entered into a legal contract. as long as the seller is over 18, sober, and sane, you've got yourself a binding agreement. so if you were a total shithead and…
I moved to DC 3 months before the 2008 election. It was so exciting!
omg virginia is politic's laney boggs
I am assuming you know him personally and so can you give him my phone number? thaaaaaaaaaaanks
I will defer to the great Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore:
Yep, I had to throw my sample (thank god I hadn't bought the full size) in the trash because I TRIED, I really tried SO HARD to like it, but I just couldn't. I think my issue was not the mascara itself, but the brush? It would always just clump, and then if I tried to fix it by giving it another brush with the wand…
Yep, I had to throw my sample (thank god I hadn't bought the full size) in the trash because I TRIED, I really tried…
I just got back from a cruise yesterday, and we hit some pretty rough seas during the last leg of the trip. I was fine, but my friend was feeling ROUGH and we saw one kid puking in the hallway (while wearing an Easter suit, so it was both hilarious and sad). I didn't think it would be possible to feel any rocking,…
YES!!!!!!! I just went to the CVS by my office to get some because I'm out, and they didn't have any, and I didn't know what to do with myself. I have tried everything (They're Real! - didn't like, too clumpy; Diorshow Iconic - love it but too expensive; Buxom - underwhelmed; MUF - also underwhelmed) and I've found…
YES!!!!!!! I just went to the CVS by my office to get some because I'm out, and they didn't have any, and I didn't…