

I'm really sorry that happened to you.

"he was allowed to continue preaching the Bible door to door"


yeah, I do 'gotta love bruce' but you also gotta NEVER SAY THAT PHRASE OUT LOUD

Ugh, yeah. This. I mean, I will preface this with saying that I only personally know ONE person who claims to suffer/have suffered from Morgellons, but she is straight up crazy. Like, blew up her mother's car in her driveway, thinks she's a reincarnated Native American shaman level crazy.

I'm glad you are talking about it. It took me 7 years to be able to use the word "rape" when thinking about my own sexual assault (and I mean just using that word with MYSELF), I always just thought of it as "that thing that happened." Then once I was honest with myself about it, I started to be honest with some

Ugh, this makes me so sad for some reason. My sister went to Columbia med school - where Dr. Oz is still on faculty - and she said IRL he is a legit good doctor who knows his shit. He doesn't need to be schilling this crap!

WHAAAAAAAAT?!!??! Is Martin Freeman a prick IRL?!?!?!?!

I rewound and re-watched that scene 4 times. Then I watched it again the next day.

When I was a poor college student I used to get my hair cut by my mom's friend in her living room, because I didn't realize that a woman cutting hair in her own living room is PROBABLY NOT REALLY GOOD AT CUTTING HAIR. I had gone a few times without incident, until one day when I went while home one weekend. My hair

I've said it before and I'll say it again: never trust a man with two first names.

I know next to nothing about these people (except that they both must look real good naked) but goddamn if this conscious coupling doesn't put a smile on my face.

Oh my god I hope they never ever ever stop charging me $49.

Oh my god I hope they never ever ever stop charging me $49.

How do I get away with paying $49 for my membership? To be honest I had no idea how much I was being charged because I was like "THIS IS WORTH A BILLION DOLLARS I DONT CARE" but I happened to see the charge for rewewal on my statement the other day and was like "oh, so that's how much I pay." Is it because I

How do I get away with paying $49 for my membership? To be honest I had no idea how much I was being charged

Absolutely. And I think that's made very clear with her ambivalence when things start to get sexual. Like, she so badly wants to be seen as a woman and not a child (she says over and over "I'm not a child!") but when shit starts to get serious - like when he ties her to the bed in the hotel room - I got the distinct

Let's talk about the babysitter, Katie! I really dislike the character, but not because she's badly written or anything, I just think she's kind of a shit bag and I want to grab her shoulders and shake her sometimes. I think the girl that plays her totally nails it though, and I especially enjoyed the scene where

**SPOILER ALERT** To the point you made in #1: in the episode at the end of season 1 where he tries to kill that woman (she gets away but he kills the dude), they show her coming home, when Spector is in the house waiting for her. I found that scene so interesting because she gets home and goes straight to the

Ok I haven't even read the entire article yet but the headline alone had me saying, out loud, "YES, that's what I've been saying!!!!" Except I am not eloquent enough to be able to write it all out. When I tried to explain why it's a feminist show to a friend I was like, "she bangs a semi-colleague and this other male

I will never cease to be amused (and by amused I mean frustrated into a blind rage) how Repubz will fervently campaign for abortion restrictions and limiting womens' access to birth control, then in the same breath be all, "SMALL GOVERNMENT! DON'T TREAD ON ME! Get your dirty liberal hands off my civil liberties!"