Oh, fuck off, Huckabee. "She doesn't need to do songs like 'Partition' and 'Drunk In Love' in order to be an effective and an amazing talent." Yeah, she doesn't NEED to do anything. She can do whatever the fuck she wants!
Oh, fuck off, Huckabee. "She doesn't need to do songs like 'Partition' and 'Drunk In Love' in order to be an effective and an amazing talent." Yeah, she doesn't NEED to do anything. She can do whatever the fuck she wants!
My Gran passed away last year at the ripe age of 106 (also in Scotland!). Her secret to longevity? A sherry a day (mixed with a bit of ginger ale once she got into a her 90s) and lots of curries.
A Canadian attending California University of Pennsylvania. I am so geographically confused.
I think (at least for some of these blowhards) their heads are so far up their own asses that they HONESTLY THINK that they can handle it. Huckabee has made an entire career of saying ridiculous incendiary shit and the far right has lauded him for it, plus he has the huge ego that most pundits & politicians have. So…
Agree x100000. After years of working in restaurants, one thing I have learned is that some people will be unhappy no matter what you do. They came in miserable and they are going to leave miserable, and any attempt to make them un-miserable will be futile. They will ACTIVELY LOOK for things to complain about,…
I said basically the same thing as Seth Rogen! Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about American SNiepr,
omg what is she wearing I need to see a full body sized pic of it IMMEDIATELY
As much as I love the first story - returning the already bought bridesmaids dress as a shower gift - I imagine that could have caused some major arguing between the bridge & groom :/
Because in SOME countries they have their BABIES and go IMMEDIATELY BACK TO WORK and sometimes even HAVE their babies WHILE WORKING and we should ABSOLUTELY emulate third world countries because WORK ETHIC
Murder has no statute of limitations. As my criminal law prof reasoned, "once you murder someone, they will always be dead." You could also apply that logic to rape victims/assault victims/etc, but I think the logic behind it is that murder is just so....final
Don't forget about the pedophiles!
They put a "numbing gel" over it but I can tell you from experience, it doesn't do shit.
If you read the interview with Alexandra Billings, she talks about that. It's actually a super interesting perspective that I never would have thought of on my own - she says that she thinks it's probably for the best that a cis male plays Maura, given the way the show has a lot of "flashback" scenes where she is…
Totally! And on a more superficial note, Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid was the only objectively hawt dude on that season. Like, I could see how someone would find Josh hot - if you're into that whole big toothed jock look - but he doesn't do it for me. Eric was just Disney prince level handsome
I work for the govt (not DOJ) and I obvs can access it. I also just finished 5+ years with DHS and never had any issues accessing Jez/Gawker/etc
My second semester of undergrad I quit being a biology major when I realized there was no way I was going to pass Organic Chemistry. I said to my prof "I think I am going to drop this class", to which she replied "I think that's probably a good idea" and I was like WELP I GUESS ONTO PLAN B
They're all variations on a theme. (the theme is shitbag)
Now this guy's life is basically ruined, what's going to happen when he applies for a job and they google him and see this story? What kind of place is going to hire him? She can rebuild her dumb house and keep on living but this is going to follow him around for THE REST OF HIS LIFE.