
There's no way that a Jean-Georges restaurant would even HAVE ranch dressing in the kitchen. I'm going to believe this story because I love it, but I worked in restaurants long enough to know that this kind of situation would usually just play out like this"


I work out in the dingy, windowless basement gym in one of the ugliest buildings in DC, so I'm basically the fittest person on the planet!

SHARON HORGAN IS AMAZING. Seriously guys, do yourselves a favor and watch "Pulling." I will watch this show only because she is attached to it, and I have high expectations (and hopes).

I literally have it WRITTEN DOWN on my 2015 grumpy cat wall calendar.

I made out with one of Rhianna's bodyguards in some bar in Nice, two summers ago. He was ex whatever the French equivalent of special forces is and he was haaaaawwwwt. I totally called bullshit when he said what he did, so he showed me a bunch of pics on his phone of him guarding her body in Paris. *high fives self*

I know Robin is supposed to be blonde, but I always pictured someone a lot like this girl (from Love Actually), even though she's look so weird as a blonde! And my vote for Cormoran is Rory McCann because he's like twelve feet tall and rather gruff.

This is one of the more compelling/well thought out theories I've read:

I am totally okay with this.

Fun fact: did you know the word 'narwhal' is Norse for 'corpse whale'? HOW FUCKING BADASS IS THAT???

Because I'm a poor, I RARELY go out to eat, and when I do, it's not at a chain restaurant like Cheesecake Factory/Applebees/etc (I live in the city and I feel like these types of places are predominantly in suburban areas). THAT SAID, the once or twice a year that I do go to Cheesecake factory, which only happens

This dude was gaslighting you, and hard. He was acting unreasonable and then would accuse YOU of acting unreasonable in order to get away with his own shitty behavior. NOT OKAY.

OMG I dated a guy like that! We (briefly) lived together and when we'd go grocery shopping he insisted on us each buying our own groceries, and he would make a huge fuss about shared items (like chips and snacks and stuff). He would nickel and dime everything and be like "well I paid for the movie tickets 3 weeks

He looks like a grown up version of the bad kid from Toy Story.

Can you link? I just googled "Benedict Cumberbatch impressions" and there's like....a lot of results. WHICH ONE?! OR ALL OF THEM??

I'm about to go on vacation to Jamaica for 5 days. Give me some good beach reads, plz! (I like fiction with a magical bent, think The Magicians or Outlander)

"Am I doing this right?"

Not to nit-pick, but Global Entry is a CBP program, not TSA.

Also I swear I recommended my own post by accident, I am not THAT GUY

In my imagination, hyperemesis is like a permanent hangover that causes you to barf all the time and leave you completely wrecked and unable to eat or hold down water or smile or hear the twinklings of fairy wings