I always thought the expression was "toeing the line" - am I completely wrong?!
I always thought the expression was "toeing the line" - am I completely wrong?!
That is actually and incredible idea. TRYING THIS TONIGHT!
Thank you for this! My local CVS has a HUUUUGE section with all her products and I've been wanting to try them, but hesitant because of celebrity product induced side-eye. I am happy to know I can go forth and purchase without having any cosmetics regret (always such a soul punch)
I have no idea why this is such a strong memory, but YEARS ago I read a thing in a magazine - one of those questionnaire things that they have celebrities fill out with little factoids about themselves - that she had done, and I've been a fan of hers ever since. The question was "The first thing I do in the morning…
He is the choreographer for the video, not a random person.
You clearly have never been to Newcastle.
Random question, I tried to find the answer myself through the Google, but no luck - do you know where she went to high school? I think we may have gone to school together.....
This is extra horrible because nursing students learn to do some pretty bodily-invasive stuff. They trust that their students will be able to handle sticking a finger up someone's butthole, or sticking a needle in someone's vein, yet OH NO DON'T SHOW YOUR THIGH CAUSE THAT IS SIMPLY WAY TOO MUCH TO HANDLE
My 5th grade Social Studies teacher showed us the video footage of the Kennedy assassination. And if that wasn't bad enough, he PAUSED IT right when he got shot and you could basically see the back of his head being blown off. Needless to say that was LIT'RALLY traumatizing.
oh my GAWD thank you so much for this! I have had the biggest crush on him ever since he was on Once Upon a Time. "heel to toe, toe to....more toe" had me DYING!
Err, what? Since when is that plus sized? I am 5'8" and around 160lbs (mostly due to the DD's) and I wear a size 6/8, depending on the brand. That's pretty average, I would say. Your girlfriend is either lying to you or you made you are making a really misinformed guesstimate.
Yeah, she said they were great! Everyone was dancing and drinking and just having a good time. Nothing scandalous to report though, unfortunately.
Truth. A few years ago, my sister and her friend hung out with a very drunk Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider in a pub in Dublin and no one gave any fucks.
Dear god, the amount of times Andi says "y'all" is ASTOUNDING. We get it, Andi. You're from The South. But I swear she goes out of her way to say Y'ALL as MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. The rose ceremonies basically go like, "I just want to thank y'all for coming and I hope y'all know that I thank y'all for…
Dear god, the amount of times Andi says "y'all" is ASTOUNDING. We get it, Andi. You're from The South. But I swear she goes out of her way to say Y'ALL as MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. The rose ceremonies basically go like, "I just want to thank y'all for coming and I hope y'all know that I thank y'all for putting…
Dear god, the amount of times Andi says "y'all" is ASTOUNDING. We get it, Andi. You're from The South. But I swear she goes out of her way to say Y'ALL as MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. The rose ceremonies basically go like, "I just want to thank y'all for coming and I hope y'all know that I thank y'all for putting…
My cousin got married in Antibes two summer ago. Gorgeous! Did you get to swim in the little lagoon thing??
Woah, his own relative tried to warn them that he cuts and runs? Dang, JP. This is the first season in a while that I gave up watching halfway through, because it very quickly turned from "ironically watching a bunch of terrible people be terrible" to "not ironically watching a terrible dude just be terrible to…
I was under the impression (based on another article I read somewhere last week, can't remember where though) that his lawsuit was in response to an article in xoJane's "It Happened to Me" series. Was the actual accusation just in the comments of that article, and the unnamed musician that the article about someone…