
I’m not particularly sure what you would want to happen here. His legal guns were seized, as they should’ve been, so a fairly recently installed gun control law worked. That’s not “nothing.” He can’t be thrown in jail for simply being a racist douchebag. 

Not so fast. When Aniston and Theroux will have their divorce in a few years, the main topic will be about the pets. Pitt and Jolie have children they both tend to. So I guess Pitt still sees this as a win.

I am also really not okay with this news. I was really rooting for them and their crazy brood! I wanted to see fabulous photos of them when they’re 80 and just living their best lives in France.

Ah, the inevitable parade of PED banners that make an appearance when a young player improves in his second full season.

When that happens in last place does it make a sound?

6. Manager. Not check. Let’s wait and see how Farrell messes this one up.

Ooohhh don’t say that around here, apparently lots of people here are still under the delusion that Chip is a revolutionary coach and that he just didn’t have enough time and leeway to build his perfect team.

Carson Wentz is the greatest athlete I’ve ever seen, and it’s decades of Philly dominance in front of us.

All these flavors, and you chose salty.

After two games, I think Wentz may end up becoming the greatest quarterback in history.

Let’s go through it.

As we’ve seen in years past, teams should fear the hottest squad heading into October just as much as the best-record teams.

I would have gone with ERod or Buchholz, but I guess at 21-4 with a WHIP < 1.0 Porcello is a good choice for ace.

Lava Hot take.

I’m not nearly ready to call them “favorites” out of the AL, but boy oh boy do they have a lot of pieces clicking together at the right time.

Who said that? Besides you I mean.




I was talking about this album just last weekend, I think it’s pretty good and always have!