
Wait, you have no problem with these shitstains using fake guns with LASERS on them to rob people, yet take issue with the police statement?? Ummm...why the fuck did they run then dummy?! So which is it then, he’s stupid for “pulling a gun” but not stupid for having one with a laser attached to use to rob people? Was

Sure, let’s believe the kids that put fucking LASERS on their fake guns and used them to rob people! Then when confronted by police, RUN! I know, why believe the police story when we have these young upstanding citizens just minding their own business when not robbing people, HAHAHA!!!

Allow them the opportunity to kill him, that’s what everyone on Jezebel would like nothing more than to see! Because kids have families unlike cops!

A kid in kindergarten and junior high is THE SAME?!

The average age of gang members is 12-24, and YES they are THUGS so please shut it.

No he’s not he’s a TEENager as in thirTEEN. Would you bve surprised to find out a 13 y.o. or a 5 y.o. was having sex?


Stop, you’re making too much sense here. These people are only focused on the police “allowing” her to commit suicide.

We saw much of this with #BLM over on Gawker, where black posters took offense for whites speaking out “on their behalf”, telling them “we just want your support silently, this isn’t about you!”, so why bother really? You can’t make up 13% of the population and honestly expect change from the other 83% by telling them

Blacks have literally zero in the way of political or financial power in this country unless given to them from white America (see Obama). If you want to believe in fairytales and unicorns that the end of slavery and the Civil war ONLY came about because of “the while of the black people”, have fun with that. You

I think Colin is, when did you EVER see him with a ‘fro or cornrows?? We’ve now seen it twice in two weeks! Which actually supports the OP’s statement. Christ, even Rodney Harrison had no idea he was black!

Birth “parent”....his black father abandoned them when he was a child.

Because it’s far easier for #blm to mandate and control = white guilt. Turning the focus away from Detroit celebrating it’s 500th murder, which would force them to turn against their own and actually acknowledge a problem from within (and no one wants to be labelled an “Uncle Tom”!).’ll destroy his hot take!

....maybe because he’s a far better player than him?

Rex Grossman?

Wait, Peyton was actually AT that game??! I just thought that was a big-headed mannequin!

Fenway is a national landmark.

I’ll take him over 500 murders in a year anyday.