
More like Game of Threads!

I love this movie so much. It is my go to when I am feeling down, and I also take liberty with the monologues in my own reactions.

Um, no, it is getting into Sansa’s pants. It’s always been that. It’s literally the only thing that dude talks about anymore.

Honorable mention in the badass ladies stakes must go to the Littlest Mormont, for the epic bitchface she threw Ramsay.

No, I picture him being the asshole who memorized a bunch of SAT words and regularly uses them to see who’s as “smart” as he is, and relishes in explaining those words in conversation.

“Whip smart” has replaced “quite bright” as the words men use to describe those women who (to their great surprise) are intelligent.

I agree with you. I just wanted to mention that she was accepting the “Best Female Video” award. Sorry to nitpick :P

They definitely do not share the same PR person, and never have. Kanye’s longtime PR (like, from his pre-rapping producer days) is Gabe Tesoriero, now EVP of PR at Def Jam. Taylor’s PR person is a woman named TREE PAINE, and before that, her whole career was handled by Paula Erickson—both at independent PR firms.

All my (wildest) dreams have come true!!! Tiddles diddles Hiddles... OMG <3

This isn’t about people like you (who sounds AWESOME btw) it’s about the lawmakers who say that specifically to deflect any sort of accountability or do anything in the wake of these tragedies. I hate that the shorthand is “thoughts and prayers” because we all do this in the wake of tragedy, but this isn’t about your

I mean, I know this is a joke post but I love this damned song.


Brinner is the best. It is known.

Guys, it has happened: I have a crush on Lin-Manual Miranda. I hate myself for this, but damn, I love him.

Once you are raped, I mean a real rape, not a fake rape, you’ve got to wear a turtleneck, pants, and a poncho over all of that in perpetuity. How dare you show any skin. It’s like you’re just asking to be raped again! ugh. UGH!

Persky made a controversial evidentiary ruling which allowed the jury to view seven photographs of the alleged victim “partying about a year or so after the alleged gang rape. In the photos, she is scantily clad, wearing a garter belt and what appear to be fishnet stockings.”

That last note from Audra just killed me right Dead.

Jurnee Smollett-Bell is pregnant. [People]

So I agree that it’s bullshit to have mugshots shown for some people and not for others. But for rape, I kind of wish all of the photos were of the smiling, yearbook type. There’s this perception that rapists are different - not your neighbor or your boyfriend or your brother. But they are. And the more we see that a