Yup, I was totally surprise that Blake K got cut, like why gurl?
Yup, I was totally surprise that Blake K got cut, like why gurl?
So, I don’t know where else to post this and I need to vent. Last night I got followed into my building by a guy who wouldn’t let me close the door of the elevator while he had his penis out and was jerking off and proclaiming “I’m coming, I’m coming”, as I screamed like a banshee for him to close the door. I couldn’t…
Who cares why she created the scholarship, what she’s asking people to write, or how little the amount is compared to her wealth?
Modcloth is doing a buy 1 and get 1 50% off on dresses, not just 50% off
Modcloth is doing a buy 1 and get 1 50% off on dresses, not just 50% off
Hey, as someone who also started having sex for the first time, very irregularly, less than two years ago, I will tell you that it’s not you. A normal guy, a guy who probably doesn’t get coal every year on Christmas by Santa, would work on it with you. He obviously has issues that he has to deal with, and you will…
He was friends with Carrie Fisher, and he wrote part of his first album in her bathroom, so yeah I trust her judgement, am gonna give James Blunt a thumbs up.
So I’m a white passing girl from the Middle East, but I’ve always wanted to go to Carnival in either Brazil, or Trinidad & Tobago, and I wonder if it would be rude or insensitive to participate dressed in their native clothes, and dance in the native way (cultural appropriation style).
As a person who lives in a third world country in the Middle East who has applied for a U.S tourist visa, the only thing they probably don’t ask of us is to complete a strip search, and it takes up to 2 months to even receive a tourist visa... well I’m not really surprised that Americans don’t know that, my two former…
Does anyone know if the #US ban also effects people who are born in those countries but with a different nationality? My mom is born in Tehran but we have Lebanese passports. Her entire family lives in the States though... I want to know how hard would it be for her to go and visit them any time soon.
Tell me again how “Hitler did nothing wrong.” is not hate speech? smdh
I’ve always just wanted to go on The Bachelor as a social experiment to see if I would actually maintain my sanity during those weeks, with all those women, without contact with the outside world, or books or TV, or would I fall in the trapping and the tropes. However, thankfully or regretfully, I live far far away…
This is something I need to get off my chest and, since it’ll never leave the greys, am safe from hate.
As a native Arabic speaker I even had a hard time understanding quite what they were saying, as they were using a very peculiar dialect, but the last two sentences struck me the most:
Yay! I sent in this tip because I have Alexis as a Facebook friend and he posted about it! I can attest to the fact that he is super cute about her, in a very low key, very proud to be with her, adores the hell out of her, kinda way. So, yes, I believe he would treat her right! (Plus he’s Armenian, so I have a soft…
There’s a girl named Corinne who said she would want to be Snow White if she could be any fictional character, because, and I quote “I want to find my Prince Charming.” like ??!!
Where do I start? My mom has basically put me in and out of a diet since puberty(I was a 127 pounds). So, I’d sneak chocolate in the house, eat it and hide the wrappers in toilet paper. She’d always say “You have such a pretty face though...” leaving unsaid that it was a shame about my body.
I’ve been waiting for this thread all day, and I just wanted to say, I love how she performs with every song like she feels that the song cannot be sung without the proper moves and emotions.
I feel like this belongs here “All you dirty, Hathahatin’ bitchass bitch don’t kill my viiiibee”
May I just say that I am in love with all of the Jezebel commentators, it’s the favorite part of my day to go on Jezebel and virtually meet all you wonderful people <3