
Please let me know where you register. And don't forget to buy yourself a nice ring. Go you!

UM. this is my dream service. i want to throw a wedding rull bad, but i am 0% interested in that married life. can i invite my friends, though, to a rowdy reception in all our finery? that's key.

After watching the trailer for this movie, I'm confident in saying that the cancellation of it's release is not at all a loss.

Amber is embarrassed by Johnny's alcoholism, but not about turning into the living cliche she never wanted to become according to all her interviews. I can't.

Dear Brides: I hate weddings. Truly, I do. Showers too. When you're looking to trim the invitation list, please scratch my name off first. I'm sure you'll be as relieved as I'll be. You don't want me showing up, getting too drunk too early, and hitting on all the men, even your weird Uncle Charlie, and all the married

Pretty much. It's one of those patriarchal, assbackward stupid dumbfuck straight lady things that set women back.

Or be an adult and just get married at the courthouse and don't waste money?

Geek Love was great! It had that outlandish plot but never got overly gimmicky; it was touching and funny and her brother was SUCH a dick.

We need a city so we can start narrowing this down a bit. I am a writer, and there's a 72% chance I'm Facebook friends with this guy. I just need some clues to narrow it down a bit...

The young female duck on the cover of this magazine says her clothes are "daddy-approved" not as a rule, but out of respect for her duck dad and her duck god.

Nobody cares about your (tiny) stupid boner.

I had a ballerina barbie with very bendy feet (to fit in her slippers). One distracted day, I mindlessly chewed off a whole foot. Thank goodness for western star barbie and her knee-high boots. Footless ballerina was doomed to borrow those cowboy boots for the rest of her life to hide the maiming I'd done.

Most upsetting kitchen lesson I learned is that baking chocolate is NOT a good subsitute if you think your hot cocoa is not chocolatey enough.

You have many valid opinions, but ranking Kristy as #2 is, I'm afraid, objectively wrong because Kristy "IT WAS ALL MY IDEA butweallhelpedwhatever" and "ALL DAYS ARE ABOUT ME ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS" Thomas was the fucking worst. Or second worst, because Karen was the literal worst.

Stacey 5ever.

I always read the Little Sisters books even though I hated how Karen explained how divorce worked during chapter two of every. single. book. WE GET IT. Your family is special.

Chastain also talked about the lack of roles for Asian American actors. It made me really happy. A lot of people don't seem to really acknowledge the lack of Asian American actors in Hollywood, even when we talk about racism in the entertainment industry.

Maybe I'm nuts, but I see that Chastian comment as a criticism of lazy casting and by no means throwing shade at Streep.