
As a non-American, I've always been a bit bothered about how tips are practically a necessary part of a bill. It's like, why is it allowed that employers pay so terribly that these staff need to be at the mercy of a temperamental customer? Sure, where I live, people still give tips on occasion, but it's more of a nice

Hell, benefits for a part-time job is nothing to scoff at...

Unfortunately, Kazakhstan was unable to get through to Spongebob to let him know the news.

I had a really problematic pregnancy. When I delivered, I tore. Forward. This is apparently kind of rare, but I split up the middle toward my clitoris. I cannot explain how painful that was.

Nothing to contribute - childless in my early 20s, bookmarking for future mental birth control.

Once you're a mother— and you'll never get this until you push a bowling ball out of your cooter— but once you're a mother, you will not think anything to do with babies is ever funny ever. You will only cherish their little lives and not be such a dark, sadistic, vile Cruella De Ville monster as you are.

We don't have baby pictures of one of my step sons until he's 6 months old because of his brain injury. All of the pictures of him are terrifying; covered in tubes, wires, and bruises from all of the procedures done on him. He's nearly an adult and we still live with the daily challenge of having a kid who nearly

Frankly this is a brilliant comment and probably exactly how I would compartmentalize this job.

Meh. They're little fuckers.

As a matter of fact, you are taking this way too seriously.

A long, long time avo my baby utero. Your excellent piece of writing made me cry, yet feel at peace with letting the hospital cremate her. After 32 years, I finally know what happened to her and I am at peace with it. Thank you for thus.

I don't understand the mentality of women who want to marry the man who cheated on their wives for them. If he did that to their wives, what makes you think they won't do something like that to you? This feckless asshole was never going to marry her but he was adept enough at stringing her along so he got what he

I have no children. This is stuff I know just by being a person living in the world. What kind of fucking dolt was this guy before?

DISSENTING OPINION: I remain convinced Gaston is one of those dudes with a tragically enormous dick, who thinks that his huge schlong means he has to do zero work in the sack. He just bumps your cervix for five minutes then rolls over and congratulates himself for being such a superior cocksman.

Yeah, yeah, there's a double standard. When it swings our way, we get more power, more freedom, and entirely better lives than women do. When it swings their way, they get to make 'sexist' jokes and draw cartoon dicks. I'm crying into my neckbeard about how unfair life is to me as a man.

Well, it's a feminist website. Their site, their rules. I'm a dude and don't read this site much so I don't care much anyway. But I do recognize that the site does not exist for me and my opinions will only be welcome if they are supportive. I do know this one thing about Jezebel — you defy the hive mind at your

Anybody who thinks it's hypocritical for us to hate rape and like sex isn't very good at thinking.

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.