
Three women on my friends list are ensnared in Younique makeup sales and I am so damn sick of the selfies. One posts multiple pics of different “looks” throughout the day. Not only is it obnoxious, she’s also just not a very good makeup artist. Her 3-5 way-too-close selfies a day look like before pics on a makeover

This actually doesn’t bother me one bit. It keeps items out of landfills or being marked way up at a thrift store conglomerate (like Goodwill/SA) and allows many parents to stay within a decent budget for items. There are FB groups for selling (which is the preferred way to do it) that keep it out of the normal

That’s what I read: “It’s time to start a discussion about our differently-abled kids. HERE’S HIS AGENT’S EMAIL IF YOU’D LIKE TO REPOST THIS PICTURE.”

I believe they are looking for Zachson. Growing trend towards ignoring the classic and going to the weird.

My son is in high school now, we named him Jackson back when it didn’t appear anywhere on any popular list. When he was a baby people would say “Oh, like Jackson Pollock?!” Now - people ask him if he spells it with an x or a z. I’m not kidding. (Where would you put the z? Jaxzon?!? Poor kid.)

You just say no and stick with it. Never - NEVER! - allow any of the pyramid scheme shit into your house. In my experience at least, they don’t stop, they harrass you endlessly. Pinky finger and whole hand and all that. Just say that it isn’t for you and change the subject. There is no reasonable discussion to be had

I’ve asked myself that question a lot, ever since the internet got so fast and socially connected that it leaves everyone’s thoughts out in the open, for mass consumption.

Alas, I think the short answer is that a lot of people just aren’t terribly bright. Or, they’re ignorant and they lack the motivation to seek out

I’m pretty sure my mother is right there with you. I was about the only kid she could stand, and even that was in small doses. She knew that to get me to shut up and go away she just needed to cough up a book. I had a huge library by the time I was 15.

I read your statement as: “I never liked kids. I had my own kids and I liked some of them, but not all.”

Cryin out loud, when I’m in the same home as my mother I’m afraid to curse let alone do anything illegal. Cause moms and stuff and hell hath no fury and what not.

Or he’s crying like a baby because he got caught and knows he’s in a world of shit.

...His mother was there...

We aren’t and we don’t need to be. A lot of people have some form of cognitive disability. They’re still responsible for their actions so far as they’re able to understand them. If someone’s functioning at a level where he’s able to carry out a plan to threaten to cut someone else with a knife unless she allows him to

Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that

I appreciate the hell out of the fact that my parents kept me pretty well away from the news in Chicago in the 90's. Between that story and Dahmer, it was a weird time to grow up there. Hell, they couldn't keep me from hearing about Gacy when there was some big news about him, and I grew up with a lifelong fear of

Who the fuck writes in PEN on hardwood? That would take forever, getting the nib to dig into the plank. Why not write on the wall? Well, I guess that might help them figure out your height more easily. Never mind.

Cox locked herself out of her car and walked to a nearby gas station to phone her boyfriend to bring her a spare; the police wouldn’t allow her to make a long-distance call from the station.

After Cox vanished, her mother, Jan Bynum, was left to raise her daughter Alexis, who is now older than Cox was when she disappeared.

I recently received a text from my dead brother’s girlfriend. I still think of Dana as Junior’s girlfriend even

Removing the “G” would have made it different, also.