
Thank you, Roseann Roseannadanna.

See what happens when the Supreme court allows Lebanese marriages? Destroying marriages, just like they said!

I am going to keep this one short and sweet.

This is what happened at the oddest funeral I ever attended:

Sarah Jessica’s time is over. I nominate Miley as the new horse face.

Dude stop. You’re #notallmening except it’s #notallwhitepeopleing. It’s derailing.

I’m fucking red-head white and I have “anger issues” lets call Miley’s shit the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard rather than the whitest thing.

That someone would have the audacity to bring the name of Emmett Till to the Cosby conversation is a disgrace. Till was a child who was murdered. Cosby is a predator who has caused countless women harm, some apparently underage, he’s a monster. He’s like the murderers of Till, not a victim.

Jimmy Carter :( Why do horrible things happen to wonderful human beings?

He wants black journalists to support him because he’s black? He certainly didn’t afford the same courtesy to other black comics. He went out of his way to tear them down. He also tore down the black community at large calling many “the lower economic people” and outright saying they are to blame for their lot in

THIS. If shit hits fan, she would be cowering behind them.

No. How fucking dare she imply that these two soldiers, graduates of West Point, an MP and a helicopter pilot, who worked so incredibly hard to even get the chance to attend Ranger school, and then completed it against all odds, how fucking dare she even think they should just shut up and go away and do ladylike

there seems to be this sense that men can’t have anything to themselves anymore

They can keep their penises to themselves. That would be grand.

The zombie-apocalypse-nerd version of a male power fantasy.

28 Days Later, Zombieland, The Walking Dead, and now Fear the Walking Dead. What is it with sleepy guys who make it far in the zombie apocalypse?

I don’t know. Maybe he’s a talker? Maybe if she stopped and said something he would have engaged her in a forty minute conversation about his back moles. Maybe she was in a bad mood. Maybe we should stop demanding that women be nice 100% of the time.

Well... Up until the point that they then turned around & destroyed those reports. That was preeeeeeetty shitty.

“They are still stunned that this is how it has all gone down,”