I dunno, I feel like for a long while Beyonce was an “acceptable” black and then this album came out and people realized that she viewed herself as a genuine black woman. Apparently that was just too much for them.
“This push for women to go topless in the 21st century is as strong as women wanting to vote in the 20th century,”
I don't feel like cunt is a strong enough word.
Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.
95% of why I choose a place is the food. The other 5% is whether I will actually be able to hear the people I’m with and not be shoved into someone’s armpit. Very few things matter to me less than “atmosphere.”
It wasn’t a criticism, it was an observation. I can recall seeing Jez writers/editors claim that, while Jez is directed toward woman, it is not a feminist website. If this is no longer the case and Jezebel now embraces ths “feminist” label I would be more than happy to stand/sit corrected.
“Can a feminist blog and the first female nominee really not have a serious, substantive discussion?”
I mean isn’t this Melenia’s fault though? If she had never lied about her degrees she wouldn’t be getting shit for it. Besides I don’t think she was ever a pageant girl.
I think it is the pattern of lying that is a problem. The maybe lying about the visa timeline and this.
Like not a single person. Even if you are in the habit of sending dick pics to your SO and they like it, don’t do it unless upon requests. #awkwardworkmeetingwhenthepersonnexttoyoulooksatyourphone
I don’t see how she’s dancing around anything. She and Kurt are friends, denounced his views and fired him nonetheless, and explained that she thinks focus on him over rape is counterproductive.
Then you may want to research the history of the term “Uncle Tom”.
Making this about Schumer definitely falls into the “eating our own” problem a lot of internet feminism can have. So much energy goes into policing the mostly good who are not perfect, versus focusing on garbage like Metzger.
i clicked on those links and they all lead to the same place?
No Labia’s Sky
Wait. Wait. Wait. Can you explain it again? Slower? With pictures? I am really glad you’re here.
Rape jokes can absolutely be funny — and they can be pretty damned feminist, as well, as this article illustrates so neatly.
How did I never notice this joke!?!