Boschini told the New York Times that Marengo was the least athletic of the group
Boschini told the New York Times that Marengo was the least athletic of the group
As soon as I saw: “The new moon heralds the beginning of Ramadan and also, coincidentally, my period,” I was like...dis gonna be good.
I can’t remember all that well but I laughed out loud at the scene — wasn’t she running in slow mo after dramatically ripping off her sleeves?
I thought the running in heels part was meant to be silly and campy. I was surprised people took it so seriously.
The woooorst are the bikers who come flying down the sidewalk or around corners when there’s a goddamn bike lane RIGHT THERE. I know #notallcyclists etc. but there are some real dicks who give everyone a bad name.
Typical Tracy Moore click bait.
Yeah the interviewer asked if she feeds off drama literally right after Nicki said she hates the drama!
I’m a mouse...duh
UGH. If you had wedding video of your vows done, I would have sent them the bill!
I don’t think she's quite as bad as people who bring uninvited children.
Exactly. I don’t get how so many people think Boehner is a decent speaker because he’s slightly less crazy than the tea party. He couldn’t keep his party in line and he’s a terrible leader.
I agree that whatever is next will be worse but I can’t stand the Boehner apologism in the media. During the shutdown in 2013 he could have put out a clean CR at any point, but he didn’t. Every time there’s been budget negotiations and the Dems meet his demands, he asks for something new. Yeah sure his party is nuts…
If you’re looking for douches, they’re in aisle me!
Carly missed a good opportunity to say “myself”
That poor kid is going to be furious when she’s a teenager and finds that there’s naked toddler pics of her all over the internet.
Can I get an insulated one to carry my artisanal ice??
2: ????
3: Profit!
So they’re kind of a joke but not really considering you can actually buy one.
Yeah Vox is full of bad journalism.