But wait there’s more!! I think that was the most egregious but Deadspin did a thing about all their errors.
But wait there’s more!! I think that was the most egregious but Deadspin did a thing about all their errors.
The major clusterfuck that is going to be DC, Philadelphia, and NYC in a couple weeks: NOT CHILL at all. Dreading that.
This is just too much analysis over some dumb texts by everyone involved. If you’ve been on 6 dates it’s probably going well.
It is so hard to quit!! All of my concentrated attempts to stop resulted in failure and I’d really tried everything. This time, I just realized one day that one of my nails was longer than the others, and I was like huh, I wonder if I can keep that going. And I did. So it was kind of by accident that I quit. After a…
Nail art has been around in some form for like, millennia. I think it’s only gotten super big in the US recently but I wouldn’t count on it going away.
Wow, the detail on those is insane!!
He was also in Mad Max! Also Dark Places. I think that went straight to DVD/OnDemand but his acting in it was great.
It blew my mind too when I first learned!
Jonathon from Buffy?? Doyle from Gilmore Girls!? I had no idea. That’s awesome. I always liked him.
I feel like people have been making the same arguments as the Washington Post salad person for like 15 years. Dur. We all know dressing can be full of calories and iceberg lettuce is basically water.
Sounds like a good idea. What could possibly go wrong?
their methods aren’t evidence-based
I love how everyone in the comments is like, um yeah my husband could handle it.
Yeah I think most people would be like this no? You eventually do what needs to be done, and cleaning and changing the sheets aren’t exactly rocket science.
I’m a recovered bulimic and I love a good ED joke. And I don’t give a single solitary fuck about my coworkers’ #cleaneating.
The Chrissy Teigen face on Erin’s avatar is so perfect for this story
Same. The only thing that makes me sad is that I won’t be able to one-up anyone in the comments with stories of my 168 hour labor, 200 stitches, and doctors and nurses who said they’d never seen anyone tear that badly.
Verily, our generation hates weddings second only to hunting dentists killing lions with nice names.
My guess: older dudes who can’t remember the password to their AOL account.