Secret Bananaphone

the first two terminator movies are great films. This looks like swill.

the littler one is a straight up muppet (my favorite type of pet)!

Caity Weaver at Gawker could have made this work.

While T Swift is definitely in the top 10 Whitest People on the Planet, I just thought if let you know that Chris Martin & Goopy hold the the top 2 positions.

Have Caity Weaver over at Gawker rewrite it for her!

I love the quote about being scared, but also kind of wanting a broken bone - I was totally that kid!

she doesn't understand it, I wouldn't want to sully her view of the world by telling her it's "inappropriate"

I'm not going to stop watching, but I don't disagree. Time for them to get out of Georgia & stop focusing on villainous other bands of survivors. I want more focus on the characters - Particularly Michonne, Rick & Carl.

exactly! They killed Beth just when I was becoming invested in her character!

Ray Rice is not a child .

As a liberal, reading comments here going on & on about him being a rape victim, feels like a conservative parody of liberal PCness. The fact that people here are so self-righteously stupid is embarrassing.

yes . . .?

no, you are intellectually lazy & falling prey to a douche who is actually delegitimatizing victims experiences by saying he was raped. He could have opened his mouth at any moment, he could have stood up and walked away - you realize most victims don't have this luxury, right?

give me a break

you are not a bad person. You are just using your brain. He could have stood up & walked away, something most rape victims are not able to do. As a liberal, defending this as rape feels like PC-ness run amok. It trivializes victims experiences.

I don't disagree, but I try not to take it personally since they are from small town Texas & grew up eating that way (my husband did too but he moved to Austin & then Houston & obviously longed for broader exposure to things beginning as a teenager). I was brought up that it's polite to try everything and as an

I say it more like "pea- cahn" I think?

it's sad to me that fashion world tells adult women to fetishsize barely pubescent girls bodies. This feels icky to me.

to me it's perhaps more problematic because fashion already fetishsizes youth, this feels like taking it to the level of parody. She is gorgeous, but the idea of adult women & men looking at these pics just gives me a sad, icky feeling. Plus, she is learning at a very young age - although she probably would anyway -
