Secret Bananaphone

salted caramel & pumpkin cheesecake or black bottom pecan pie

I think I'm a pretty above average cook if I do say so myself. As is my husband, who is a very adventurous eater despite growing up with a very limited menu. But, alas, his family thinks everything is "weird" or "spicy".

Luckily my Mexican-American sil made red chile pork which saved my thanksgiving (she too was missing food with flavor).

they don't really drink either. While my family is getting schnockered. Usually I bring my own wine, but I'm nursing my baby right now & thought my dear mil might judge me.

I apologize.

This post makes me sad because I'm with my husband's family, who is lovely & kind, but eat terrible (not as in terrible for you but delicious) food. All the veggies in the sides are frozen or come out of cans. It's just all pretty bleh/bland. I offer to make stuff, but his mom always turns me down. I did go ahead &

but that makes the situation no less fucked up. I think like most, he has internalized racism

kale & shaved brussel sprout salad w/ pecorino & toasted almonds - look up recipe on Bon Appetit. The key is to "massage" the kale after you chop it up in small pieces - it breaks down the fibrousness

they are pretty easy to grow (if you have a little yard/proper climate I guess)!

how about wrap the bacon around a piece of pork belly?

Is he always so hurtful & controlling, or did this come out of left field? Because obviously the health thing is ridiculous. As others have said, overweight people & even smokers & drinkers (both of my grandmothers - not that I'm saying it's a good idea) have perfectly healthy babies & sometimes people who seem to


It is indeed. I'm sitting in a dark room nursing a baby, firing off comments on my phone . . . It makes for some fun typos!

Pretty sure you are starting a rumor. He had a dong in the nineties about a woman who kills her abusive husband.

I think you're probably wrong.

I love all of the greens - mustard, collard, Swiss chard, kale! They balance out my sweet tooth & carnivorous ways perfectly (I like all the food).

He doesn't seem to fit the George Zimmerman mold of paranoid racist, no.

since having a baby, I've given up & just accepted that I look like a haggard troll

not the way it works in retail. You are paying a deposit because the store owner has to front the cost of ordering the dresses, they can't their money back from the vendor, so you can't get your money back from them.