Secret Bananaphone

I agree completely about Rick. That said, I didn't get the vibe at all that Abraham may have abused his family (and was that really his family, or just a post apocalyptic adopted family?). I think they leave the flashbacks with him purposefully vague - I'm guessing he killed a bunch of people, not walkers to "protect"

I believe it. My brother & I used to order virgin daiquiris as kids (it was the 80s) & this happened to is once. We got sick as sin after consuming most of the drinks. Those nasty drinks are pure sugar.

have you ever seen the Kids in the Hall skit "Girl Drink Drunk"? If not, watch on YouTube now!

What in the hell is "sweet wine"? Riesling? Bleh!

almost all of the top players in the Enron scandal went to prison - even some of their wives did!

well we live in the first world, right? I'm sure she is glad she survived & realizes how much worse people have it in heavily affected West African counties, but it doesn't mean she can't still be disappointed that she needs to start over with wedding planning. You're still allowed to have sympathy for her!

I was attacked by a (male) stranger - it was utterly shocking how much stronger he was than me. He grabbed me in a quick motion. & choked me with his forearm the more I struggled. He dragged me into a back room - seeing him drag her down the street sort of reminded me of my experience.

The car dealer placed the GPS on the car, not the police because the man had such a bad credit report. In fact, I don't believe the police are allowed to put a tracking device on a suspects car without a warrant - pretty sure there was a case about this that went to the Supreme Court a few years back.

Yes, Italy is where I had men rub their dicks on me in crowded trains! That said I don't totally disagree with first commenter. I'm from Houston & don't notice much catcalling here, but when I travel to NYC, it happens a lot& in my experience it has been largely black & Latino men. Before you get a pitchfork, I've

I am thankfully doing so much better. I've stopped being so hard on myself & feel more okay about having no idea what I'm doing! I'd like to breastfeed until a my son is a year, but I'm trying not to obsess about it. Yes the pressure swings which is why I say you can't win. Don't breastfeed? You're not doing what's

Honestly, you seem pretty insufferable & missed my point completely, I'm glad I didn't have friends like you to invalidate my problems when I felt like I was mentally decompensating. I'm more than aware that I am fortunate, I'm just afraid that accusing everyone of being "privileged" has become short hand for being

How on earth could you know all these things about this woman? I am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old & while I think there is way too much pressure put on women to BF right now, I also think there's way too much freaking judgment in general. How do you know she doesn't have post partum issues? I did, for which

this reads like a Gawker parody of a Jezebel comment!

I love prancing while on Ativan! (Kind of sounds like you could use some too.)

Who the fuck cares? Why do you have your panties in such a bunch over this?

we are very much in agreement. Yes to encouragement & help (because it doesn't come as "naturally" to most as as one would imagine) but no guilt or judgement. I hope your friend goes & talks to her Obgyn & perhaps a therapist. I struggled with bfing & had to supplement in the beginning. While I eventually made it

how on earth do you know that she made herself the center of attention? Perhaps I missed part of the story? Did she whip her tit out & spray the crowd with milk?

While I give the lady thumbs up for this picture, and I myself am currently breastfeeding my 6 month old (literally right now), I think there's too much pressure on women to breastfeed. I say if it's too hard, give the baby formula & don't feel guilty. I'm also convinced that the major resurgence in the popularity of

You say "decorum" which implies that you believe breastfeeding is indecent?

and you have deduced this how? From reading a couple of sentences taken from her book on the internet. How very deep of you.