Secret Bananaphone

I totally agree - she looks like a generic Robin Wright!

I was rollerblading as a teenager (hey, it was the ninetie) through my neighborhood when a car pulled up so close beside me at a stop sign that it almost pushed me off the road. He was nude from the waist down, jerking off. I screamed & he sped off (and then I of course broke down in an outrageous fit of laughter).

actually, a teacher in the northeast (Maine maybe?) was put on leave because parents freaked out that she had visited Dallas.

doesn't one watch tv for gratuitous sex though? That's part of why I watch GoT.

the socks are a real lady boner killer for me

it is embarrassing! And yet I went to a friends bachelorette party in my early twenties & we went to a male strip club just to be silly. I got really drunk & into it in a jokey way. I mean, I found none of it sexually appealing, but it was fun to sort of play at objectifying the other sex even if it wasn't totally

it's everywhere? You must have some inside knowledge that rest of us don't.

yes, nauseous pregnant women have been known to be global killers

I know he was a terrible father but that falls in asshole territory. I've never heard that he hit Yoko. Hmmmm. . . Has she ever confirmed that? Because I'm not so sure I believe it otherwise.

there's a difference in someone being an asshole versus being a rapist or child molester. If we had to weed out all of the artists who were mere assholes, we wouldn't probably be left with much.

I think it becomes hard to want to support an artists work once you find out that they are a vile criminal. I think Woody Allen has made some great films (as well as any terrible ones) but I can't go see them anymore.

I think he figured that he did.

also, I think Tyrese not wanting to tell the group about the girls is not to avoid unnecessary judgment, but because he it was so awful he just wants to block that whole thing out. He agreed with Carol it was what needed to be done, he just wants to never relive it or put the burden of knowing on anyone else.

out of every disturbing thing that's been on this show, the Bob leg scene bothered me the most. Almost makes me not want to watch anymore, but I doubt that will happen. I've got to say, I had hoped we were done with the terminus people. I didn't think they needed a resurrection a la the Govenor.

I agree that the prison system/police are extremely racist but anecdotally, I was assaulted by a black man who had been in prison 3 different times, including for murder (for which he only served 10 years).

I did the same. Breastfeeding worked out in the end but I also ended up with severe PPD, I think in part due to not getting any sleep because of this schedule. I felt so badly about myself when I was having trouble breastfeeding. And the thing is, I knew it wasn't rational but reading these stupid baby sites & talking

Definitely this. I had issues breastfeeding. I made it work (and made myself a dysfunctional crazy mess while doing so) with the help of a very expensive lactation consultant, rental of a hospital grade pump, and time. If I didn't have access to these things or if I had to go back to work soon after I had my baby,

People are nut bags. I think women are set up to feel guilt from day one of motherhood. Can't or don't want to breastfeed? Then it's a shame you aren't giving your baby what's best. Breastfeed in public? You might offend someone's eyes with your inappropriate boobs. Breastfeed your baby too long by other peoples

I started my baby on solids at 4 months (I am also bfing) at the pediatricians suggestion. There are new studies that show decreased risk of allergies if you start earlier (they are also now recommending not waiting until a year to introduce highly allergenic foods like nuts, eggs & shellfish - they think the old

I have a 5 month old baby. I too had issues breastfeeding but "powered through" & eventually made it work. I also ended up with severe PPD. While I'm happily nursing now, I'm not sure I'd do it over again.