
The Newsroom was Sorkin at his most annoying! Smug and self-righteous, pretty much every character was highly, highly punchable! However it was high on my hate-watch list and ideal for when I was preparing for an argument with my dad! 

This show is getting dull for me. I find the Moclans boring and pretty much every relationship is unhealthy. The Orville was a fun homage to 90s tv Trek when it started but it’s getting repetitive and uninspired IMO. 

The episode was fine until that ending. A real romantic relationship with a robot is just silly - unless it is a metaphor for older women’s best odds of finding true love (Penny JJ is 57, shockingly) being with something mechanical!

Did anyone else get ‘Giles in the library’ vibes from J’onn’s new PI office? Ok so he isn’t so tweedy and nerdy as Anthony Stewart Head but there is no way they built that lovely set and don’t use it a lot. I’m ready for the DEO to be over. With the awful president and that horrible woman in charge it’s time to break

Thatcher was the Donald Trump of the 70s and 80s in the U.K. some of us detested her with the fire of a thousand suns, while some liked her a lot. While not a total buffoon like the orange idiot, Thatcher was THE most patronising old bag who my very genteel old granny said ‘ I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire,’

I liked Alura and as a pretty dude-heavy crew, I’m disappointed the replacement (if he hangs around) is another bro-speaking alien. Happy to see Bob Picardo and John Billingsley guest star - those Trek actors getting to join in the Trek pastiche is a nice touch.

I enjoyed the first series of The Orville but I’m finding the sniggering blokey humour quite irritating so far this season. It’s been a lot of the Data-substitute and the Worf-substitute, and heavy on the bodily functions, men looking for sex and schoolboy humour. Also, it seems like they have remembered about the

11) The Punisher. I’ve tried three times to get into this but get bored

I’m glad they got to finish things off but to me it was all a bit too neat and shippy - kill off all barriers to Wyatt and Lucy getting together but I quite liked the ending with the visit to Flynn. Timeless is like Legends of Tomorrow’s older and less fun cousin.

A League of their Own is one of my all time favourite movies and that rare thing, a film with a large female ensemble. Funny but also very touching, to me it is a classic.

A comment I noticed was Glen Gordon Caron saying she wasn’t hired because they didn’t know what to write for her. That was the same lame excuse Josh Whedon gave for ditching Charisma Carpenter in Angel’s final season. So these men, top creative talent, can find endless ways of writing men, demons, vampires but haven’t

The way both Kara and Kate Kane were underused and underwritten worries me. It seems the Arrowverse writers love exploring Oliver’s brooding, dark complexity. They like seeing Barry is good but flawed. What did we learn about Kara in this crossover? She loves her sister but as this wasn’t HER Alex, about her only

I’m mainly a Supergirl and Legends fan and pretty much ALL the trailers have been all Oliver and Barry with hardly a glimpse of Kara. Ok, so this was theoretically a Flash episode but Kara got about the same amount of screen time as Clark and Lois. Suoergilrmis definitely the poor cousin in the Arroverse rankings.

Agreed, loved Counterpart.

When I saw Blindspot on this list I was puzzled at first but of the many procedurals I watch, this season of Blindspot has gripped me more than the others. The Jane/Remy switch has been huge, as has Tasha’s turn.

Amy Adams is a terrific actress who was pretty much totally wasted by the DCU. Just cheering up a brooding Henry Cavill is unworthy of an actress of her calibre. She is better off out. Lois Lane is an iconic character who was also massively dis served by Snyder and the DCEU.

Loved this episode. Do the Sherman-Palladinos have someone who consults on the stand up routines because throughout the series I do find Midge’s gags pretty funny (with the possible exception of one run in ep 9 that is not as funny as the hysterical audience think!)

With Killing Eve getting award nominations and on most ‘best of’ lists, it seems odd it didn’t receive any nods from the writers guild...unless Brit Phoebe Walker-Bridge isn’t a member? The show is brilliantly written.

The episode title puns on Legends remind me of the Good Place puns. Some writers clearly love their wordplay!

But Mick IS a thug! He has a fire gun but no real powers at all and you can very easily question his value to the team - how loyal is he really? However, as a character, I do like what he brings to the show. I have a nasty feeling Dominic Purcell is probably picking up a much bigger salary than say, all the other actre