
They can go right the fuck ahead and eat a bowl of dicks while they cry about it. SCOTUS just refused to review a heartbeat bill that was on prohibitory injunction that outlawed abortion after six weeks - hope Florida taxpayers enjoy the wasting of millions of their dollars on bullshit. Even Plessy v. Ferguson didn’t

Whites collectively - consciously and unknowingly benefit from privileges in ways we don’t understand or ever even think about, even those, myself included, who consciously do not want that privilege and make every knowing effort we can to use our privilege for amplifying the voices and concerns of people of color.

I’m cool on them being applauded for doing their job above and beyond - but their everyday job and they manage not to a racist or trigger happy bc of it? No thanks. I’ll save my appreciation for people who aren’t mediocre at their job. Then again every cop I know is an asshole in general and the firefighters I know

Also, I’m not going to laud anyone and neither should you for not being a racist or murderer. Being a decent person and doing their fucking job without murdering people or falling victim to prejudice they don't acknowledge they have doesn’t earn anyone a gold star. I'm SO fucking over giving accolades to white people

Oh I’m not saying we disagree - I just have 0 expectations for white people to be able to effectively do it. Especially in an industry based in vanity more than talent a lot of the time. Why do you think Megan Fox has a career? I’m sure she’s nice and all - she has the acting capabilities of a wet bag. You’ll note

Even more, police being killed in the line of duty is at a record low - there was ONE MONTH last year above average and that led to 4 deaths. Probably because more people were killed by police than ever - the number of unarmed individuals is vomit inducing.

I’m curious to know how you want colorblind casting to happen? white people are visually bias as fuck and it plays into stereotypes all day every day and they’ve gotta literally see them to cast them. Don’t get me wrong - I agree that inclusiveness needs to happen but when the general someone views “urban” in their

Read - Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. It addresses the same things (institutional corruption, prosecutorial misconduct, circumstantial evidence being the crux of wrongful convictions) but is centered on the inherent racism of the system and just how fucking disgusting our “justice” system is.

Uh... they legally CANNOT require someone to be white. If they refuse to interview or hire someone for not being white there’s at least 3 federal laws they’re breaking and Minnesota law while they're at it. I hope someone screenshotted that shit and sent it to the appropriate federal and state agencies and just in

Hammers are the dumbest... they think everything is a nail. Rank the others as you please.

I fucking love you. That is all.

Oh don’t even get me started on the guy who did that to me the day my mom DIED. I had murder in my eyes.

So you went Hallmark movie channel instead of an episode of law and order. I don't know if that makes me glad everyone's heart isn't dark or genuinely worried because I assumed she's known the whole time and they probably had sex while he told her about it in graphic detail.

What I hear is: we realized we fucked up in one area and instead of being called out on it and apologizing for it and then working to address it, we were “frustrated”. Because we were frustrated we said fuck it completely and chose to ride further in the coattails of white mediocrity and then shame a black woman who

Stop opening one full of shit and not expecting the shit to come out.

I hope Donald gets schlonged right in the mouth.

While I understand your contempt for her, that doesn't change that she was victimized by someone. Just because someone isn't perfect or isn't the perfect victim, doesn't mean they don't deserve your empathy in that situation. You don't have to want to nominate her for a humanitarian award or sainthood - but

Here’s the thing: SHE’S STILL A VICTIM. She became a victim the moment that the person she trusted compromised her account. She will be a victim of that every single day of the rest of her life. Why? Because that’s how it works. Did she take back part of her life when she reported him to police? Yes. But that doesn’t

In an effort to ease the “confusion” of how shit (pun intended) works.

The thing is - I know more inappropriate men than ones who actually respect women - the entitlement is so there for many. Add alcohol and that number decreases even further. They don’t actually care if their personality/attempt works... I mean one itd require actual thought and two they’re not playing for keeps