This was released today:…
This was released today:…
Aren’t we actually ignoring it when we “talk about it” anyway? look at domestic violence, suicide, and rape. Realistically, “we” (the royal we of course) offer nothing but platitudes and conjecture when it is talked about yet actually DO nothing to effectively talk about or address the systemic issues that got us…
I’m sure somewhere there is but I don’t know it- timelining this stuff rarely makes the papers or is not accurate if produced on other media publications and police reports aren’t admissible in IL for any purpose but to impeach the officer. The words “continued to advance towards officers” were also used. Both that…
I’ve been following this for a while, it’s bad. That’s a big reason why the video faced release issues - the violence itself is vomit-inducing but Anita, Rahm, and McCarthy were all worried because they KNEW it contradicted the police report. They could face obstruction charges - for fucking with an investigation, but…
Visuals are actually really important - don't be quick to dismiss your ideas, human nature requires we visually assess our surroundings and people we encounter. Familiarity of faces with positive interactions actually helps our stress levels decrease or stay lower than if we encounter a bad situation with an…
Actually, his partner tried to stop him after he unloaded his first 8 round clip - when he reloaded and emptied the second clip, the geniuses put in the report that after the first 8 rounds LaQuan “lunged” at the officers - which has now been disproven by the released dash cam.
This wouldn’t be the first time this decade let alone in Chicago’s history that the SA brought the wrong charge - Rekia Boyd was straight up murdered by a CPD officer and he walked earlier this year because the state undercharged him with involuntary manslaughter. The complaint by the jury? He did it intentionally and…
Here’s the thing - none of these motherfuckers are “moderate” or “more moderate”, THEY ARE ALL FUCKING CRAZY. Crazy. Those with actual political acumen? Crazy. Those without? Crazy. They’re all fucking crazy, and once you dive into crazy - we’re no longer talking about “more moderate” than one another because they’re…
I guess it's better than being the guy who ejaculated on a woman on the brown line.
Let’s be real - that man has anal sex. That’s actually why children ages 12-15 contract HIV at such high rates. tears in his partners rectum would allow transmission - needles increase the likelihood but my guess would be anal sex above all others.
Yes, someone who repeatedly sexually violates a person who is physically incapable of moving away from their rapist because they’re wheelchair bound and has no means of actual communication besides “yells and chirps” deserves to spend an eternity incarcerated. Preying on someone who you're entrusted to take care of…
Thank you! I’ve read more today as well - they found cocaine in the former lieutenant’s desk and he evidently attempted to contract a hit by a gang member against the administrator.
I’m not aware of the son being the recipient - the news here stated that his wife and one son are now under investigation but nothing about him being the person in the texts. That all being said - he had four sons, I'd imagine the younger ones had no clue.
ALSO AWFUL. He probably would have said that all 3 were black but I'm pretty sure that's the entire black population in fox lake (I drive out there from the city because it's quaint and pretty - especially in the fall). He was committing embezzlement - go figure his last act would blame totally innocent men to commit…
Nope. Just nope. Carly Fiorina is fucking terrible and a traitor to all vaginas - but at least she didn’t get elected to a governorship on “jobs” and then proceed to tack on a fetal heartbeat bill to a budget appropriations bill (which is unconstitutional on its face - according to the Ohio Constitution). He knew it…
I take that back - one of his son is now under investigation as well.
I shouldn’t laugh but I did.
Here’s a few tidbits you left out - the lieutenant paid for his mortgage and for adult websites with that “skimming” AND worst of all, when whatever administrator started investigating the funding - he texted someone that he’d considered several scenarios to “get rid of her” from planting evidence to a state swamp/bog…
How does one apply to be an adult adopted into the camel clan?! Because, please? I can bake until my fingers fall off but soups and sauces aren't my thing - I swear I'll pull my weight. Pretty please?!
If my home google history was my work Google history - my boss would probably have me committed. That's what I get for a gay best friend who throws out weird sex terms but refuses to explain them so that I have to search them... My curiosity always gets the best of me - much to my chagrin. Then there's circumstances…