
I’d have broken a lot less hearts in college this way - I mean his heart can’t be broken if he literally doesn't have a head - right? I'd be a cannibal but that's what counseling sessions are for - AND I could afford them because it'd have been the rare occasion I had to pay for dinner. 😏

That moment in my life where I googled rates of praying mantis sexual cannibalism and now I can’t go back.

You just called it oral sex and then said its not sex... If ever there were a blatant contradiction, that’s it. Clearly, as sodomy (oral and anal) is recognized biblically, it definitely ties into the idea of virginal purity. Sure, oral is a type of sex, so is anal, and vaginal, but they’re all sex.

It honestly takes a lot of the worry out of “impressing” classmates. I wore a uniform in high school and attended private and public schools that didn’t require uniforms. The upside for me? I got to sleep in and never worried about what I was wearing - I had the blessing of being able to afford new uniforms though, so

Don’t get me wrong - kids aren’t stupid. They’re just less inclined to pick up someone’s lack of homogeny when they’re all in the same outfit. They’ll notice differences and certainly make judgments based on them but it is an attempt that can work to even the playing field.

Of course no one wants to wear loaner clothes - and while I’m sure many children would gladly welcome a day off school versus wearing loaner clothes. But what the child wants and needs are two different things - she needs to not miss out on an education because of a clothing violation.

And I don’t blame them - loaner clothes should never be that which makes a student stand out more, it just serves to ostracize them. I’ve never understood why schools don’t have roughly 3-5 sets loaner clothes in each size that are regularly washed or dry-cleaned. If they actually cared about uniformity then that's

Dress codes can be great - the uniformity reduces non-homogenization and treats children to look beyond the physical appearance of a person. But that doesn’t magically make it worth SUSPENDING her over. She missed out on being educated for a day because the shade of her shirt was incorrect - that’s RIDICULOUS.


Except she’s the county clerk. Her name must be affixed or the legality of it can be challenged. Now if they affix her name to it (rubber stamp that’s literally her name) without her “approval” that’s different and from my understanding exactly what they did with her in jail. Her deputies have the authority to affix

Nah, I’m aware. Liberty being accredited is an entirely different story. I looked into Campbell law - another Christian law school - they have a social justice focus that caught my eye for a brief second, until I realized they were wackadoodles too. Hell, I went to a private Roman Catholic law school - religion is a

My problem with all of this is that her attorney is making a fucking mockery of the very law he’s promised to honor and defend and the practice of law in general.

“Coerced by threats of contempt sanctions” - well no shit, that’s what contempt charges are SUPPOSED TO DO, coerce you into not being an asshole. When we learn from the actions of others (ie. watching her be jailed for 5 days) because of someone else’s criminal actions, that’s called GENERAL DETERRENCE and is the


It’s Pennsylvania... that state is a SHITHOLE when it comes to women’s reproductive rights and access to reproductive healthcare. Why do you think so many of Gosnell’s clients went to him in the first place? They couldn’t get an abortion any earlier because that state does everything in their power to stop their

They’d scream “sharia law” until the fat lady sang, all the fucking cows came home... and then some.

Rape is non-consensual sex with another person. I guess the argument would be a dead body isn’t a person - but you do maintain bodily autonomy and integrity in death... so... I would say that if someone doesn’t have to be conscious for there to be rape because there's an implication you cannot consent if you're not

Thank you! I was like, oh Christ - that's so NOT the avatar to make a counterpoint to anti-rape advocates. I mean not a legitimate one anyway.

Male tears are a great for a unique addition to a bloody mary or dirty martini. I heard they’re guilt-free (which means no calories, right?).

The way I read it was that the child refused to comply with an order (go to a “nice” lunch with dad and start a “nice relationship”) the child refused, stating he wouldn’t engage in a “nice” anything because he’d watched his father beat his mother. The judge referred to the kid as pretty much a little ungrateful shit,