
I’m not saying mentally ill people don’t get shit on... that was actually my point entirely. If you read my comment and went away with the thought that I was disparaging those with mental illness or mental health issues, please Jesus know that is not at all what I meant for you to walk away with. What I meant, it is

And only typically gets trotted out for white people - usually men.

No I get it. But I’m saying all laws enforce a “morality standard” - so if you’re against laws created that send people to jail to enforce some morality standard then wouldn’t you just be not supportive of the law? Why is it acceptable for some laws to be based in that but not for sex? I don’t get the disconnect.

Uh, then you’re just against jail as a general matter? Outside of administrative and procedural laws (but even then there’s a moral component to it) the laws as a general matter are morality based and enforce a moral standard, that’s why they’re laws. I’m not trying to be an asshole or anything, I’m just sayin’.

I’m going with them constantly talking about rakes is equivalent to driving a big truck. God knows their excuse for a dick could never cause the type of damage they want to, so fuck her right in the cunt (or wherever) with a rake, because destroying her sexually is the integral part here. Lord knows there’s nothing

I laughed and I laughed hard. I don’t know why, but I did. It’s just so ridiculous. Like, how old are these fucking people? You know the standard for hurling insults has sunk to a new low when it involves food in vaginas. What’s even the response to that? Yeah... well... you stuck your dick in lasagna.

I mean if

You’re on point actually. My recently retired inner city schoolteacher mother who is 4’11 could and has handled situations more rowdy than this. If she can manage to do it without so much as yelling (her quiet voice can hush hundreds in a moment - though she be little, she be fierce), let alone waving a gun at

Eh, you need to correct yourself. It’s arguably dichotomous to support the Rubgy or Soccer CULTURES and be a feminist due to the misogynist under and overtones that exist within the foundations of each sports culture.

Oh no - I’ve heard everything from rape apologists to “this is a part of an anti-Christian conspiracy”. The latter of course made me LOL harder than the time Rick Perry wore the “brokeback mountain” jacket.

Nope. I’m on board until 3. This isn’t a “mistake” made by some hormonally charged and totally naive 14 year old who is sexually curious. Sexually curious teenagers do not, by default, seek out participants who are unknowingly subjected to sexual touching and fondling. Sexually curious teenagers do not by default seek

I think there’s a difference between something being “personal” versus being “private”... that we all have difficulty noting the nuance to in certain situations. While I think it’s an incredibly personal experience to him, obviously involving him making this transition and all of the emotions and experiences that come

I’m not yet a parent but I know when I become one, my child will be leashed at some point.

Eh, you’re in good company. Chicago is weirdly filled with people who like to fish and hunt... and apparently just own guns and point them at people taking pictures or pose it next to themselves with their latest dead-eyed kill and their own shit-eating grin.

However.. going mudding is fun as hell. You SHOULD do it at

Now now, we all know... Taylor Swift doesn’t “let” her cats do anything. Cats give no fucks and do whatever they want. Including attempted murder... Calvin can consider himself lucky if he doesn’t wake up with the cat on his face (pussy puns abound...).

At least Hobby Lobby makes a concerted effort to be a “religious establishment”. The Muzak, being closed on Sundays, hiring insanely religious wingnuts (but seriously, my friends an atheist, works there as a stock manager, and hates every coworker he has but makes a shitload of money so he stays), and they’re a

Let’s note the critical difference here as to what kind of establishment we are talking about. It’s a fucking pizza establishment. It isn’t a Christian establishment. It is a pizza establishment owned by Christians. NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING. As a Christian, I’m going to call it exactly for what it is, offensive to

Here's my question - WHY should rape be exempt from misconduct proceedings? You can bring up misconduct proceedings for a variety of criminal activity and have the student punished - that includes minor shit such as vandalism/destruction of property (ie the moron in my ugrad who decided to get shitfaced and break all

One - lets clarify that my intolerance for bullshit or propensity to swear doesn't means I'm "angry". I'm wholly unimpressed with yet another college age male that wants to abdicate responsible leadership and proceeds with the same entitlement rhetoric that we've all heard ad nauseam. I'm certainly cynical towards

So let's talk about reading comprehension skills. One, I never stated that anyone lied about their whereabouts or that the majority of the group was there.

Two, Dr. Kilmartin was quoted as saying, "... "Although the vast majority of the men are not sexual predators, their participation in these chants provide

I got to the point in the article where you spoke with the anonymous team member... who stated that the rugby team appealed the punishment decision because Dr. Kilmartin was to teach the sexual assault PREVENTION (if it's just called sexual assault training - they need to change that) training because it infers "some