
I knew a girl in high school that swore she didn't fart. Why would anyone even try to claim that? It's like saying you don't poop or pee.

All the cool ones do!

Yeah people have really spelled that out for me. Maybe I spoke about something I don't know enought about. I know the mayor really well & he acted like it was absurd, & I just assumed he was right.

I came down here to post the same thing, I thought that part of the article was ridiculous.

Yes, I know. But I am also aware that the money isn't often spent in the way I would like, which would lead many people to not want to bother being taxed much at all. That would be a conservative view, and I do not have that view. Do you see what I was initially trying to say? I may be explaining it sloppily.

It doesn't really, but I mean I'm in favor of raising taxes on EVERYONE, myself included, even though I can't scrape together anything close to a down payment on a house (in a cheap market!). So the liberal view I have on taxes is very at odds with the fact that I know the government flushes a lot of that money down

The town I live in just got a grant to put down a concrete foundation for a new salt shed. It was just a little digging and putting in 15 x 20 worth of concrete, but they had to use a county approved contractor and use the entire grant, so they spent $10,000 for it. I'm pretty liberal but at the same time, the

Wait, who doesn't like their own?

Did he ever fucking apologize for stomping a defenseless human in the stomach?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, that seems fucking insane. Plus, you would have to assume that powdered alcohol would really burn when you snort it.

Sit on it Morried

+1 Tender infant cutlet

Are those a bunch of humans standing on the deck? It looks really neat, like one of those small saw blades.

So this guy is standing on an almost completely invisible surface right? Or can shirtless jean shorts guy fly?

It's actually conceivable that Philae is in fact awake but unable to communicate with Rosetta

He can fill them with leaves!

Stander here, it's the only way to go! Sitters freak me out, even though I know they greatly outnumber us. There are actually a ton of half-assed articles and surveys out there if you just google it.

I had never thought about it like that, AND NOW I"M MAD! I didn't want to understand, I wanted to judge a generation of children as being dumber than mine.

That is a terrible thing to say and I agree with you 100%.