Ohh, color me excited for this! Glad you posted this here, I missed it on Saturday.
Ohh, color me excited for this! Glad you posted this here, I missed it on Saturday.
What about it?
It's fun to see them suck. I love being reminded of it & so do most Deadspin readers. Just don't click the articles if you don't care for them.
It pains me to ever criticize Pat White, because he was tearing it up at WVU when I was going there, but you aren't allowed to brag about your own humility. His statement disproves itself.
I saw a Fosters truck just today at lunch at the liquor store (no I'm not drinking yet, I just buy my booze at lunch so I can go straight home after work) and it definitely said "Imported Lager" on the side. Do they still bring some down from Canada so they can call some of it imported? I remember them running that…
Josh Gordon's Back!
Being an asshole to another asshole isn't really a sympathetic act, feel free to keep hating him.
Jesus, you're getting destroyed in the comments. I think it's Big Ben, but to each their own. These people being extremely hostile over your comment are more unlikable than Gronk also.
Bama has the hardest working fans in football, in that it takes a lot of work to correctly pronounce "Roll Damn Tide" without any teeth.
He's re-running them himself, albeit by losing the ability to be running.
"Delicate as a Rose" has taken on a whole new meaning.
Penn State's "Letter from Death Row" would've been quite captivating. None of those murderers who wrote HamNo have played the victim & bitched as much ad Penn State has already.
I got it! Of course, I hate being grouped in with Millennials. I was born in 85, can't I just be a really young Gen Xer?
This joke would be better if anyone actually found her attractive.
A healthy response to a joke. Clearly joking is worse than driving hammered, much like joking is worse than wishing death on jokers. You're may not be the moral authority Deadspin wanted, but you're the one they deserved.
Isn't Miller Genuine Draft the full flavor name brand, with High Life being a kind of side beer? Or have I had it backwards this whole time?
Wieser helped him move his leg in a way he wasn't able to before. He was like a yoga instructor. Give him $25 and move on.
He just needs some time because he isn't used to accurate shooting.
I saw Randy Moss play my high school's team when I was still in middle school. It was the most lopsided athletic performance I have ever seen. Over half the people around Charleston swear he's the greatest WR of all time (which is dumb).