
I’ll try it out this Friday night. And my name isn’t Randy.

There was a recent New York Times article on how many white nationalist men are married to Asian women. I think that this is mainly because they want white women, were unsuccessful, and then saw Asian women as acceptable and attainable second choices.

Yes to all of that. It seems as if you are teaching your son how to be a non-bad man. But is he learning how to be a good man? Is he learning how to develop the traits which are appealing to women?

Yes. All of that.

Right. Has the NBA improved its usage of such players? I wonder if Chris Mullin was used differently and could have had a better second half of his career had he been used like Korver. I say this knowing that Mullin is in the HOF, but Mullin played in only 90 playoff minutes in 2000 when his Pacers made the Finals.

I think Asian women with dyed blonde hair look fucking gross.

Where is this school? I ask because I am a non-black high school teacher, and it seems as if the three schools I have worked for have absolutely bent over backwards to cater to students’ personal beliefs. Yeah, all public schools in large US cities. And we never did the pledge nor even had a flag in the classroom.

Right. I don’t know much about her, and I will neither look into her, nor watch this interview. But after reading this I am completely unconvinced that ANTM did not boost her career.

ANTM winners typically don’t actually become Top Models, but Survivor winners (and losers) tend to survive. So, they’re pretty true to their word. I see no lies.

Yep. Few people can relate to Kareem, Chamberlain, or Shaq. Kobe and Jordan are more relatable, even though they are both very tall at 6'6", but when watching on tv, Kobe and Jordan look fairly regular since other guys are so fucking tall. And a guy like John Stockton, (and his son!) look fucking tiny even though both

Yeah, “cocksucker” as an insult is totally homophobic. I also think it is misogynistic as in a man who uses that word like that is probably thinking,

I guess we disagree. However, if it could be verified that Churchill actually did say that, I think that it would make a very popular tshirt. However, as a man who likes getting this balls sucked, I don’t really support saying things like that as I think it makes people reluctant to do it. Seriously, using

I mean, if Winsto Churchill actually said, “Hitler can suck my nuts,” I would not advise a film director to use that as a title.

Imagine someone making a serious film about WWII, and it is titled, “Killing Nazis! Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” I think that no matter how well done, historically accurate, and how much it spoke to the human condition, that title is just so blunt that it would be hard to take seriously.

Yeah, but if that is the straight up title, it is implying a McDonald’s-esque film which would be hard to overcome. I can see a Erika Lust produced film where a female character says, “Mmmmmm, I just love slobbing your know Pablo Dobner.”

Fuck AirBnB. It is making it incredibly difficult to find a place to live as so many of the rooms which would be available are now being used as AirBnBs.

That first logo is one casual looking Raptor. He looks more like a frog about to play sax in a jazz combo than an NBA player.

Hahaha! I would love to see other franchises bust out a maniacal mascot going berserk only to fall on his face.

Right? They can make a porno called “Slobbing on Pablo Dobner’s Knob,” but that would probably be of the McDonald’s variety.

I think that Jeremy Lin resonated with a lot of people, particularly Asian Americans, because he is 6'3", which is definitely above average for a US born man, but is within the range of “normal height.” If Lin were 7'3", and put up the same stats, I doubt people would have gone as “Linsane” as we did back in 2012.