
I am a high school teacher. I would tell a boy to pull up his pants (official school policy, it rarely comes up though). I admit I would be too embarrassed to say anything about a boy’s erection. What would I say?

““unladylike,” “inappropriate,” or “distracting to the boys around them.””

I wonder if black and female teachers/administrators are the main infraction givers? I just checked out Duke Ellington School of the Arts, and it seems as if the administration is mainly female and entirely black. I am a non-black high school teacher and I am very reluctant to enforce the dress code. However, I must

What did Matt Groening say?

“I didn’t write about ‘a system’. I wrote about toxic masculinity.”

I am an ugly duckling. I look good now, but I truly did not for most of my life, until maybe age 20. Many men say they yearn for an ugly duckling woman, because she is pretty now, but grew up humble. Significantly fewer women yearn for male ugly ducklings because, yeah we look good, but we tend to be less confident

It also seems like in every movie I see, whenever “boy meets girl,” she is initially quite cold to him, he persists, and 5 minutes later they are either in love or having sex. I get that they are trying to move the plot along, and they don’t want a prolonged courtship, and they don’t want it to seem like she just

So, I commented that I am a hapa male who is considered to be good looking, and I acknowledge this as a privilege. “Crazy Rich Asians” is coming out and a lot of Asian Americans are saying, “I am so happy that a movie is coming out with people who look like me!” I have to stop and check my privilege when people say

I don’t understand your first paragraph. Neither the content nor the vitriol.

Maybe I was being pessimistic: Yes, it seems as if a lot of incels are not virgins. The man who did the 2009 Pittsburgh massacre was not a virgin.

I am a man, thank you for writing this. I grew up in the 1990's as well and largely agree with you. The 1990's really did have a lot of strong female singer-songwriters at least. No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom really influenced a lot of girls.

Are men really conditioned to think they are owed a hot girl? I am speculating here, but I think that most incels have always been considered unattractive, nerdy, and shy. Nebbish. I doubt they are thinking, “I am nice, why don’t girls like me?” I doubt they are actually being nice to girls. I bet they are hardly ever

I will probably continue to feel surprise if certain men have boyfriends. I don’t think I will ever be surprised if a woman has a boyfriend.

“Sometimes if a man is really whiny and ineffectual I say, “You’re lucky you are not a woman, because you would get raped all the time.” It sounds harsh, but it’s most effective to communicate with men in their own language.”

That chart is interesting, but I think it is more for entertainment. I did learn what “khhv” means, “kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.” Even hugs? Geeze.

Huh, I thought that was Sinbad.

Once, he, his girlfriend, and bodyguard came into the bar I work in. Total bill: $20, he gives me $40. Thanks Shaq!

I had a transportation class, and my assigned topic was, “obesity and transportation.” (seriously). I had to give an oral presentation.

Oh, yeah, that might be right. Honestly, that sentence had like three terms in it which make no sense to the uninitiated. I think the Jezebel author needed to clarify terms there.

I love and hate making drinks with egg whites. Love because they are awesome, hate because once people see you doing it, everyone wants one.