
Once I applied to be a bartender, and I was interviewed by two managers. One manager seemed to like me, and the other one... not so much for some reason.

“If Rodger is the patron saint of incels, Sodini is a minor saint. Hailed as the “OG incel” on Braincel,”

“Maybe its a regional thing?”

Yeah, your friend sounds boorish at best. Well, how successful is he at finding his (presumably younger) hotties?

Well, I can’t say that those women were lying to you or that they don’t exist, but I have had plenty of white, Asian, and black women tell me to my half-Asian face that they think Asian men are ugly, and I have never heard a woman of any race tell me that they prefer Asian men. Of course not every woman I know is

this sentence is full of terms which the uninitiated cannot be expected to understand: “maybe he had an “incel-tier” girlfriend, or maybe he was just a “failed normie,” or maybe he was an incel “cucked” by his ex-girlfriend.” 

I am a man and I have literally thought of the same Groucho Marx joke in dating. Whenever a not-so-great-looking woman sidles next to me and starts chatting me up. We have a nice conversation and I ask for her number. She gives it to me and we separate. She might respond to my text, but she’ll never meet me.

“i’ve always thought it was just sort of a commonly held belief that women tend to be far less picky about men than the other way around when we’re talking physical beauty. Like...nobody expects dudes to shave their legs or put on makeup.”

Did you mean to write, “while women (not men) prioritize looks more for hookups”?

Do people really say, “Any woman can have sex with any available man?” It seems that men on Jezebel (I don’t read incel forums) are likely to say, “Any woman can have sex with a man, not any man, but a man, on any day.” And people subsequently misquote that as my first sentence here, which is quite a bit different.

Yeah, I thought about writing that they might want to find a “sexually experienced girl with a heart of gold,” who would be willing to nurture them through their late blooming stage.

I don’t want people to think that Asian men are the least attractive ethnicity, but I cannot pretend that I do not understand it. And yeah, maybe I have just been conditioned to think this by society. But I don’t think that fully-Asian men should be considered as utterly nondateable as they currently seem to be

Thanks. It really is not that uncommon. Asian American women my age tell me that they think Asian men are ugly all the time, perhaps they stupidly think this is supposed to win my approval. It is not a popular opinion around here, but I really think that women are not held accountable for their opinions on men, so

“When I think of the type of EL that I decline to perform, it’s more along the lines of giving empathy and listening to feelings.”

I think with Eliot Rodger specifically, he resented his mother for marrying a white man, thus devaluing Asian men. As a male hapa myself, I admit it can be embarrassing seeing so many white men with Asian women. It makes me think that I am witnessing evolution before my eyes. This is made all the more worse by the

Yes, women do perform EL in courtship, just considerably less than men are expected to do. And yes, men perform EL in courtsthip, just often it is considerably less than women are expected to do.

Yeah, the internet allows all sorts of groups to congregate. Speakers of endangered languages can meet each other and preserve the language: good thing. Incel culture developing: bad thing.

What does incel-tier girlfriend mean? Downthread I speculated that it meant a “nice, shy, cute, naive, sexually inexperienced woman who is less likely to judge the incel for his late development.” If you are saying that incels fetishize female virginity, then it seems we might be on the same page here.

A manhattan needs to be stirred. None of the drinks on this list need to be shaken or stirred, although whiskey sours and gimlets certainly can be spruced up beyond their most basic versions.

I wouldn’t call a manhattan a “basic mixed drink.” At the very least, it would look very out of place on this list.