
Though he switched to forensics because, for a number of reasons, he wasn't up for being a cop anymore. I can believe him as a guy who should have been good at law enforcement but just wasn't able to handle the emotional and psychological strain that came with the job.

I thought it made sense for Bucky to respond like he did. Steve's a pretty well known figure, so anyone could say his name, but Bucky brought up the little things that you know when you have a shared history with someone.

Yup, the very same.

If I recall correctly, it's from "To Be or Not to Be" with Carole Lombard and Jack Benny.

I dunno, my dad used to work for Strategic Air Command around the end of the Cold War and they used to have these hangars where teams of pilots would go out and take turns sitting in bombers waiting for everything to go south. The pilots who were stationed there had a lot of free time when they weren't actually in the

Really? They're aware that the Cold War has been over for more than twenty years, right?

Honestly, I would be totally happy with that finale.

I'm pretty sure the city with the canal and bridge is Berlin. That shot looks like part of the Museensinsel, which is a man made island in the middle of Berlin populated entirely by museums with bridges connecting it to the rest of the city.

I kind of figured that the show was just taking a moment to do an actual Bollywood homage, with everyone in the scene just suddenly knowing a whole dance routine and not questioning it.

There's also MOGII, which stands for Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identity, and Intersex. It's not as common as the others, but it has the advantage of being inclusive without piling on a bunch of letters that people tend to forget.

I just checked, and season 2 is available on Prime. Let the rejoicing commence.

The whole show from the beginning is necessary to see the development of the relationships between the characters. Even when they're leaning on the procedural elements, it's still a gorgeous and fascinating show that uses the killer of the week to reflect what's going on with the main characters and explore the nature

Based on the shows mentioned, I'm thinking she meant teen-focused television and a word or two just got lost somewhere.

Regardless of the age of the character, it's still a sign of age-ism towards women in Hollywood. If the romance is supposed to be age appropriate then rejecting her for being too old is nonsensical. If the character's supposed to be young then it's yet another instance of women only being seen as romantically viable

Yeah, that book is one of the better sight gags I've seen in a while.

I have no idea what that had to do with Cadbury…

Possibly Ravi the Were-rat?

They're going for shows that are at least relatively current. The point is to let us know what to check out that's being offered to today's kids, we don't need any help knowing about our own childhood favorites.

I could believe that he would talk on the phone while working. Most of his patients are dead so his work habits would probably take into account that he doesn't have to pay total attention to them. It would be easy to fall into habit, even with a zombie rat.

I'm hoping that it'll turn out that zombieism doesn't cross between species and it's just a false alarm.