
Just wait until they start playing The Cranberries.

It's coming from the right place, with her not wanting him to get hurt, but yeah, she probably should have realized that he wouldn't give up that easily.

Keeps things interesting, at least.

Agreed. This story line showed that they have fun together even when attraction isn't a factor, which makes for a more satisfying relationship overall.

Nah, he just jumped out of the plane the one time because Max Rager had him under contract to do what they wanted. Even then, he was nervous enough about it to go into zombie mode.

I'm generally enjoying the friendly chemistry going on between all of the series regulars. So far most of the character combinations that they throw out there turn out to be entertaining.

Maybe everybody on the show watches a lot of NCIS and figures that goth-y looking lab workers are par for the course.

Could be that whatever Blaine mixed into the utopium was an ingredient from Max Rager that he thought would give it an extra kick and that's how he ended up with the zombie formula.

Yup. It was even mentioned, though briefly, that the kids that Major is looking for were among those found. It looks like the police department was catching too much heat for not investigating, so they needed a quick way to make the case disappear.

I'm getting the impression that Major's making dumb decisions largely because he's getting desperate and that's messing with his common sense.

Not sexist so much as common sense, really. One should never pass up on a potential free sandwich.

Alternately, be kind to the people who deliver your food or you'll be killed by a third party.

They're at the halfway point which seems like the right time for the plot to start ramping up. I'm guessing that this season will be mostly about Blaine's brain market and world building and then season 2 will expand into the utopium, the energy drink company, and other such Big Bad Things, so they've got somewhere to

He's consistently pretty funny and has good chemistry with the rest of the cast. Plus, the show's been giving him more to do in the last couple of weeks.

I mean, if the fish was drawn in crayon then that would mean that the crayon, and Elmo as the wielder of the crayon, has the power to create life, and I don't think we're ready for a muppet with godlike power.

I knew the plots to so many books before reading them because of Wishbone. I also kinda dug the bit at the end where they would show a little bit of the behind the scenes for the episode; it was probably the first time I thought about how people made the things that I watched.

Hang on, is this related to Zaboomafoo at all? I seem to recall that featuring the Kratt brothers…

"Cliiiiiiff Hanger, hanging from a cliiiiiiiff!"

Yeah, I see your point there. I guess I just see it as something that would at least be mentioned considering the thematic connection of institutional corruption. Plus, of all the events to happen in the MCU so far, those of Winter Soldier seem the most like they actually share the same universe as Daredevil, so it

SHIELD's downfall was accompanied by the Triskellion being taken down by three helicarriers in the middle of Washington DC and all of their classified information being released to the world via internet, leading to what appears to be extensive news coverage and a series of publicly held legal hearings. Even if nobody