Ms. Catbus

It’s also almost like a set up, because Black Films or Films With A Strong Black Presence tend to be-

Seems like a combination of bad book-to-screen, “let’s dumb it down for the audience”, and “let’s not make the white people too damn heinous in case we lose them too much”. It is an interesting issue we have with our work, I recall an article somewhere about how Tyler Perry’s Persuasion was the first film to get on

  • Are you really gonna go through all those berries?

The only thing wrong with NYC tap water is the rust buildup in the old pipes. Otherwise, it’s the finest tap water in all the land and the exact reason for the superiority of our pizza and bagels.

I was JUST thinking this, 75% of this fridge is just sugar in different forms

Get a water bottle PLEASE for all that is good and holy. Don’t NYers always boast about their yummy tap water?

this fridge is my dream fridge.

This is like me every time I walk into Trader Joe’s and realize it's not an actual grocery store so much as a giant snack pantry.

lmfao oh no. Where’s the White Diamonds scented one for the older white woman?

I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one that feels that the icing to cupcake ratio trend bakeries, coffee shops, cafes, etc are horribly skewed... tiny ass cupcake with a shit ton of buttercream icing... it’s all too much!! 

You right. Mulled wine is also life

Apple Cider(pref with spiced rum) is the one true Fall drink. Period. end of.

“Besides, how can we trust folks with the word spice and their food is so aggressivelyunseasoned?????”

That martini and pie combo sounds damn good. I probably would have just been day drunk and rolled with it.

Thank you for taking one for the team. The only pumpkin item that has breached my houses front door is a pumpkin spice candle. The Mrs. copped it and the couch is uncomfortable so....

I absolutely love fall and that includes fall-flavored things (I love spicy-sweet stuff), but sometimes they go too far with it. Pumpkin spice Nutri-Grain bars are garbage. As has been said, you have to go to bourgie independent coffee places for a good flavored latte. I’m not a fan of Starbucks coffee as a rule -

My appreciation ebbed when they became “PSL” - what in the fuck. That said I cosign: bougier coffee haunts do them proper, don’t go to Starbucks expecting good. 

Pumpkin Spice belongs in a Pumpkin Pie AND IN NO OTHER PLACES!

I’m a black guy who has no problem admitting his love of pumpkin-flavored things (they’re literally the only thing about Fall that I actually consistently look forward to), but pumpkin-spice lattes are DISGUSTING. Well, not really disgusting...just completely flavorless and disappointing, like pretty much all flavored