Some day her skeletons are going to come running out of the closet, and you know what, no one is going to be surprised by it. No one goes to bat for as many shitty abusers and dictators as she does without engaging in some bullshit themselves.
Some day her skeletons are going to come running out of the closet, and you know what, no one is going to be surprised by it. No one goes to bat for as many shitty abusers and dictators as she does without engaging in some bullshit themselves.
When you’re too crazy for Andre 3000 to fuck with you KNOW theres no saving that person
Erykah has been a pick-me, patchouli scented, dictator entertaining fraud for a long ass time. I celebrate her green tea scented dragging.
You’re getting my old crap!
I think I read somewhere that Mormons basically believe in prepping as part of their religion. Like they’re supposed to always have a year of food in their homes. So I’m assuming Costco does big prepper business in Utah.
I need some clarity on this. This is pre-made mac in a giant plastic bucket that you scoop out once in a while like a tub of ice cream and not, like, just a bucket filled with dry macaroni noodles?
I don’t get the comment even. I’ve been around enough to know groups of people from a common place (be it a school, a club, a group, a street gang, etc.) have their own ways of greeting each other as well as recognizing each other. I may not even know anything about the said group, if someone mentioned “Hey, and my…
Chelsea Jane was just discombobulated being in the presence of so many undoubtedly beautiful, tressed and dressed, good-smelling, well-educated Black women! She didn’t know we existed, had never thought she’d feel so completely inferior and then they all started making a sound?! She thought it was Invasion of the…
Fellow White People, repeat after me: “I’m confused. What’s going on?”
I about lost it when I saw that tweet. And yeah, I’m side eyeing the fuck out of white reporters who keep grouping only Booker and Harris together—not Booker, Harris, Gillibrand, and Warren or so on—just the two Black candidates names in certain headlines. The coverage is going to be ugly as fuck.
New Year’s Eve is probably the worst night for stand-ups. Everyone is drunk or thinking about getting drunk later and there are a whole bunch of people who aren’t comedy fans out there. Probably not the best night to work new material, but NYE is a night even experienced comics bomb.
Holy shit, I’m just now seeing this headline (yes, I was sleeping on Slack) and this is a nominee for headline of the year material.
Jesus, he sure does have a “type”
Because he married a black chick and tried hard to “Justin Timberlake” himself into a cookout invite.
Because this is the house shade built.
When he asked the ultimate question, she retorted with, “Are you serious?”
I became a Prime member because shipping times as a “normal” customer seemed to be getting longer. Something would be in-stock but would take days to ship for no discernible reason. “OK,” I thought, “Fine, I will sell my soul for a bit and see if it’s worth it.” And for awhile it was.
Double hit, there, since universities don’t pay city/state property taxes in many cases
Kelo v. City of New London. SCOTUS ruled 5-4 that eminent domain can justify taking land from one private party (e.g. homeowners) to transfer to another private party (e.g. commercial developers who want to build a mall) because of the taxation and other benefits the community would have.