I feel like this movie will make me a ton of people irrationally hate Chiwetel Ejiofo, the new Scar.
I feel like this movie will make me a ton of people irrationally hate Chiwetel Ejiofo, the new Scar.
holy shit... the lion king is 25 years old???
And Nelsan Ellis! His Lafayette was so good, instead of dying at the end of season 1 (like book Lafayette did), it was the “exorcist” lady in the trunk of Andy’s car.
I was bored and watched Parade’s End (which only led me to be more bored, but it was find background noise for cooking) and he’s has this awful Matthew Crawley blonde hair. Which is fine on pale blue eyed Dan Stevens, but no good, very bad on Cat Alien. He needs a dark contrast.
Chris Bauer is a fantastic actor and highly under appreciated.
He does look like a lizard.
I thought Lafayette, Hoyt, Jason, Gran Stackhouse, Mrs. Fortenberry and Andy Bellefleur were great in their roles, especially when you realize Andy Bellefleur is the same guy who played Frank Sobotka on The Wire. Anna Paquin was horribly unbelievable, but then, I don’t think I’ve liked her in anything since The Piano.
Last year, my six year old Mini was given a bag of hand-me-downs that included a little ruffled gingham bikini. She hated it on sight and so I didn’t worry much about it and I never got around to giving it away again. Then THIS summer, she randomly pulled it out and insisted on wearing it. I realized instantly that…
She has also made pretty gross public statements about at least her oldest daughter Brielle. I recall something about her tweeting Chrissy Teigen that Brielle would give a BJ for tickets or to meet him. Her defense was that she knows them and it was a joke. But Chrissy and John were like, yeah it was out of line.…
We make little girls more matured and sexualized as a society (perhaps why the ensmallening) and past the late teens, early 20s, try to make women and teens look younger.
But WHY would you make a baby’s head smaller? Bigness of head is one of our markers of cute.
Kardashian appeared to have made infant daughter Chicago’s head smaller before posting her pic
Nothing says ‘best friends and soulmates’ like incessant cheating and lack of commitment.
There’s a Gizmodo headline today that recommends mothers clean their babies’ pacifiers by sucking on them instead of wiping them with a towel. You can’t run things like this AND make fun of GOOP at the same time.
I’m pretty sure they craft them this way just to annoy us enough to click and comment. When Jezebel informed me “We Have to Talk About Prince Harry’s Girlfriend”* I clicked just to say “no, we fucking don’t.”
So is my dishwasher just really crappy then? I feel I have to give everything a scrub before it goes into the machine or the dishes don’t actually get clean.
I hate headlines like this. I hate stories like this.
People who don’t have large families don’t use enough dishes to fill it before they run out of dishes/things they need to use again. My parents haven’t run their dishwasher in 15 years.
I know a person who uses their dishwasher to store towels, and another who stores dirty dishes in the dishwasher and removes dishes as needed, washes them by hand, uses them, and puts the dirty ones back in the dishwasher. Never actually runs it.
Great news for people who hate doing dishes: if you have a dishwasher, washing your dishes by hand is a colossal waste of water, energy, time, and money, and you can prove it with math.