Full disclousure: What I am about to say is not a defense or ringing endorsement of Ryan. Its is the political reality devoid of ideological bent or partisanship.
Full disclousure: What I am about to say is not a defense or ringing endorsement of Ryan. Its is the political reality devoid of ideological bent or partisanship.
1.) Its walmart
My my next door neighbor and longtime best friend of over 20 years used to be the department manager of electronics in the Janesville Walmart. Longtime fuck face and Janesville resident Paul Ryan happened to drop in there I believe this was 5 or 6 years ago.
I live in paul ryan’s hometown, and let me fucking tell you, he is every bit the troll, gremlin, goblin, creep, fuckface you imagine him to be.
Especially to Randy “Ironstache” Bryce.
Would have been sweeter if he lost an election. But this works too.
My first reaction: this is fantastic, good fucking riddance.
The women in my family have always said, “how you get ‘em is how you lose ‘em,” but this feels almost too on the nose.
I know exactly how to stay monogamous in a partially long-distance relationship: Don’t become romantically involved with other people.
Please tell me this is not about Tristen.
Maybe she doesn’t want to fix him, maybe she just wants to look at him.
All he had to do was hold a bong and make a few sarcastic remarks here and there for his brand of “hotness” to survive. He really blew it.
This dude is messy.
He/She is a v. good boy/girl.
The star of the last twenty minutes of this video is impeccable and inspiring. Do they give Emmys for rickroll videos?