cat bus

My parents declawed all of our cats as we grew up and made it seem like the normal thing to do (they're kind of jerks for many reasons). When my husband and I got our first cat he was like YOU WANT TO DO WUT?! So we opted not to declaw. Never mind they're ruining our pretty room and board couch, at least they have

I don't know what I love more... the clean shave or the Headbanger's ball shirt. All I know is 23 year old Matthew McConaughey can definitely get it.

There's something really forced about her Italian pronunciations on her show. Like she hits the consonants really hard and it almost hurts to watch. maybe it has something to do with her teeth too. Idk

Omg are you me from 2001-2004???

Thanks. It's a tough situation and getting worse every year. Textbook npd. She overbuys, punishes, wants constant validation, has to control every situation, makes stuff up constantly. Unfortunately my other family members refuse to see it for what it is. Path of least resistance for my dad at this point. He wasn't

She had mentioned it, and I told her that I would make sure she got it for Christmas. Somehow she thought I would just surprise her on my dad's birthday. Which still makes no sense.

As the daughter of a narcissist, gift giving/receiving is always a crapshoot. My mother once had a full on meltdown that I didn't buy her a bottle of Balenciaga perfume for my DAD'S birthday. I mean, WUT?

Well I wish I could say his nurturing extended to my illness as well, but I usually have to be in pretty bad shape and very direct about what I need, ha. He's handsome, loving and will help when he can so I still think I lucked out.

This is a very old photo of our now four yr old fiv kitty, Mojave. We didn't know he was sick when we adopted him at 6 weeks but quickly deteriorated. My then bf, now husband force fed him food, meds and probiotics for two months. His eyes and respiratory system were so badly damaged that he still suffers from sinus

I love how low key that kid is while tearing it up. So good!

That riff raff vine is giving me life as my newborn simultaneously spits up and poops. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it's baddie winkle.

IMO that's a just another point for Taybae that she can express her own experiences through song- even though she has plenty of pro songwriting/production assistance in her process.

I'm pretty sure the same thing could happen with Miley. See: Wrecking Ball

In 1998, I worked at a large chain grocery store that was owned by Satan and had to work Thanksgiving. Like you mentioned it was pretty much business as usual, so not so bad. But I was still pretty bummed and my mom was giving me a major guilt trip. The upside was we were set to close at 7pm and I was getting paid

Currently 38 weeks pregnant and I have no shame saying PRAY 4 ME. I'm much more offended by strangers asking the gender, name and how we're delivering the baby than stating the obvious: that I look like I'm going to burst and I'm in a state of near constant discomfort.

With a week and a half to go, I am a tiny woman with tall man's baby. Even though the article's title is a joke, I also feel it in a very real way. Also gimme that stretch mark free belly.

Agreed. Saw him years ago at a Camera Obscura show in LA and he was so very pretty. Also, I was close enough to smell him and I don't recall any offensive odors.

I love the natural-ish makeup, but I can't handle the hair and expression. I wish the art direction had taken her more early 90's Seventeen magazine and less indie movie despondent.

Yes! I blame 90's Gwyneth for the brows and that Sliding Doors cut that was very unfortunate on my round face.

This video is positively delicious! Harold and Maude meets Sylvia Plath. And of course, Queen Tay is flawless.