Except they’re not. They are light years apart. See: Trump Cabinet,the degree of conflicts of interest with President Developer Trump Inc. just for starts.
Except they’re not. They are light years apart. See: Trump Cabinet,the degree of conflicts of interest with President Developer Trump Inc. just for starts.
Why would the US have been pressuring Uruguay about Assange? You know he’s in the Ecuadorian embassy, right?
Assange wasn’t and isn’t the one we should praise. We should praise the likes of Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and whoever brought us the Panama Papers. Those are the actual whistleblowers, while Assange provided an outlet for some of them, he showed his true colors by throwing his hissy fits when he didn’t get the…
Yup, Trump hates hedge funds so much he appointed a hedge fund manager to be his Treasury Secretary. How’s that working out for you?
Trump stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, Big Oil execs, Telecom execs - all sorts of industry insiders. How the fuck can you possibly still be beating this drum?
Very true. And his ties weren’t held together with scotch tape.
Laughing and crying.
A picture of a woman with a baby inside her was ‘indecent’ back then? Wow. Things were so backward and restrictive in that time. I’m so glad we live here in the future where everyone is treated equally, racism is a thing of the past, women have full rights and control over their bodies and institutional bigotry has…
It certainly pisses them off the only campaign songs they have the right to use are Cat Scratch Fever and Bawitdaba.
But you see he’s a boy and can do whatever the fuck he wants. And she’s a girl and is supposed to be pretty, modest and silent.
Nugent also said in a 1978 ‘Hit Parader’ interview (all in jest I’m sure) - “I believe women have their place. Preferably in a padded cell. Tied up and spread eagle.”
Is it a coincidence that Trump once said 12 years old is where he “draws the line”? Plus he routinely barged in unannounced on Miss Teen contestants in their dressing rooms in order to see them undressed.
It’s like if a family of methheads won the lottery.
Hillary was smart enough to set out and appreciate nature’s beauty before Trump sets it ablaze.
First Lady Michelle Obama dared to not wear sleeves and it was a god damn story for over a week about how “those people don’t respect the White House” congressmen lined up to say it. The children’s outfits were examined and the Ivan’s children called All kinds of names because Republicans hated seeing black faces in…
And yet, in this picture, Hillary is right where she belongs. Head shoulders above these idiots and looking down upon them.
“He was also pro-apartheid”
Let’s not forget that Ted Nugent classic “Jailbait” where he talks about wanting to rape a 13 year old and suggests that instead of arresting him, a police officer should rape her, too:
I’d utter some shit about darkest timeline and all but I’m just not having any of it. This administration (and by extension, its followers) is the perfect example of Sore Winner. Hillary takes her loss with poise and grace. Trump celebrates his win by parading has-beens around and letting them mock the loser (on top…