
I'm pretty sure I have discalculia (number dyslexia!), based on the description. I did okay with math in elementary school (other than needing a tutor to teach me how to tell time because I just could not wrap my head around a clock), but once I hit algebra, I was out. Letters and numbers living together?

Okay, but seriously. Don't get a pre-nup if you only have $17. The lawyer fees alone totally negate the purpose.

AKA, a troll.

You have to have something to be proud about other than a lost war based on using human beings as currency and workhorses. Really. Come up with a new Southern flag, one that doesn't specifically refer to the South attempting to leave the Union so that a subset of people could remain enslaved. Really think about it.

If the South rises, wouldn't it become the North? Catch-22.

Not if we keep taking their license plates.

The good thing (if there is a good aspect here) is that he got first aid right away, was taken off the mountain by helicopter and then sent to Grenoble to their best hospital. Medical treatment of closed head injuries has come a long way and the trauma doctors know so much more about these injuries then say, way back