Margot is perfect for Barbie, but I just don’t think that the baby goose is the right look for Ken.
Margot is perfect for Barbie, but I just don’t think that the baby goose is the right look for Ken.
OH, I LOVE bad art! It’s a fascinating peek into the mind of a stranger a bit, isn’t it?
Fire Island is a very cute romcom full of super hot dudes, and also Margaret Cho. I recommend!
LOL Kylie be like bissshhhh I bought the URL a year before you were born!
Thanks for expressing 2/3 of my thoughts about this Dirtbag!
Imagine defending Ricky Gervais by declaring him not smug. LOL.
I like James Acaster’s take on the whole ricky gervais comedy attempts. Skip to 2:30 for the meat, but also don’t because James is brilliant.
I might be known for my generous definition of “cute,” but I thought Pete was cute straight-away. I like his face, and what can I say? I find his gravelly Staten Island accent sexy.
Teyana Taylor is giving me 1999 Hot Topic Fantasy and Abs for Days and I love both.
I hope it at least has a crotch snap
If only he’d stick to bisexual partying and quit punching the shit out of dead trees :’(
If Ryan had worn anything else, it would have been rude. The night was about Blake’s dress, and the man in the tux is really nothing more than the picture frame to the art of the dress, no?
You don’t have to earn shit when you come from that sweet, sweet Apartheid Emerald Mine money!
Just, the entire fucking vagina!
Mine: “If you eat monkey brains, you’ll have monkey thoughts”
I feel the exact opposite way about all the glam 70s dudes, and I also grew up in the 90s. 90s fashion is the best!
Justin and Hailey look like they both just got out of the shower. Hailey has gone for the towel-wrap gown, and Justin is wrapped up in a cozy, oversized robe and jammy bottoms.
Variety is the spice of life, my friend! There is room in my heart for both Aquaman and the King of Staten Island.
They’re fucking everywhere!!! My recent Vogue just arrived with Kim on the cover, and Kendall in no less than three ads/photo spreads within.